Circle near the Pointer

  1. Posts : 626
    Windows 10 Pro 19045 x64 (22H2)

    Circle near the Pointer

    Hello Forum,
    Recently I have noticed, each time I click once (not double-click to open it) on any file, starts for a moment or two, a revolving circle (like a clock), same when I point (select) several files to move them elswere, is it normal or something wrong starts.
    Virus checked twice a day, defrag weekly.
    Appreciate your answers
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 626
    Windows 10 Pro 19045 x64 (22H2)
    Thread Starter

    Circle near the pointered

    Motim said:
    Hello Forum,
    Recently I have noticed, each time I click once (not double-click to open it) on any file, starts for a moment or two, a revolving circle (like a clock), same when I point (select) several files to move them elswere, is it normal or something wrong starts.
    Virus checked twice a day, defrag weekly.
    Appreciate your answers
    Cannot understand, there were times I got answers in reasonable time, now I am waiting for an answer, worried, is something wrong with the system ?
    Answers will be appreciatsd
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 217
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    You mean
    Circle near the Pointer-curs-1.png

    Circle near the Pointer-curs-2.png
    The first one would be more reasonable means it's working.
    Does this happens on any file type
    Some file types have metadata, previews and Windows loads them when you click on the icon depending on the view setting of explorer
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 626
    Windows 10 Pro 19045 x64 (22H2)
    Thread Starter

    Hello derek10
    Thanks for the answer. Sometimes the circle appears like the first one on your sample, and sometimes like the second one.
    From the answer , I believe, there is nothing wrong with the system ?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5,210
    Windows 11 Pro 64 Bit 22H2

    The circle means the computer is thinking.
    Do a Check Disk of your HDD. Go to Start/Search and type CMD. right click the CMD results and Run As Administrator. In the Elevated Command Prompt type chkdsk /R and press enter. Now type a Y for Yes and restart the computer. Check Disk will start at next bootup and it will go through 5 stages and take a long while. This will check for Bad Sectors on your HDD which may be slowing down your system.
      My Computer


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