How do you turn off live tiles?

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  1. Posts : 630

    How do you turn off live tiles?

    guess the tile says it all, I can not see how you turn on/off live tiles, am I missing something?
      My Computer

  2. Lee
    Posts : 4,793
    OS X, Win 10

    Trust_No1 said:
    guess the tile says it all, I can not see how you turn on/off live tiles, am I missing something?
    No your not missing anything. I too want to turn them off. . .just can't figure out the how. . .
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 519

    Dumb question, perhaps. Which live tiles are your referring to?
    Last edited by davehc; 26 Jan 2015 at 09:13.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,057
    Windows 11 Pro x 2

    This was mentioned in another Thread, as you can see the option to hide or enable a live tile has been removed from the right-click menu. I had to manually edit my location of the weather tile with paint in Win 10.

    Win 8.1

    Win 10 TP
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 519

    Still not sure I am on the same subject.?? I opened mine and, as usual, directed it to the town where I live. Looks fine. I can turn the tile off, and, visually, it returns to the blank default. I then need to open it for it to find its way again.

    If I want to lose the tiles altogether, I just "Unpin from Start"
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,057
    Windows 11 Pro x 2

    davehc said:
    Still not sure I am on the same subject.?? I opened mine and, as usual, directed it to the town where I live. Looks fine. I can turn the tile off, and, visually, it returns to the blank default. I then need to open it for it to find its way again.

    If I want to lose the tiles altogether, I just "Unpin from Start"
    davehc if I interpret your screenshot correctly you are using the old resizable start menu with this new build and that is why you are still able to turn a live tile on or off, If one is using the new Start Menu native to 9926 build then the option to turn live tiles on or off is no longer available.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 4,594
    Windows 10 Pro

    Oh ya, that`s the way to go, Thank You Brink :)

    I wonder if Greg saw that ?
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 519

    IownAmoneyPit said:
    davehc said:
    Still not sure I am on the same subject.?? I opened mine and, as usual, directed it to the town where I live. Looks fine. I can turn the tile off, and, visually, it returns to the blank default. I then need to open it for it to find its way again.

    If I want to lose the tiles altogether, I just "Unpin from Start"
    davehc if I interpret your screenshot correctly you are using the old resizable start menu with this new build and that is why you are still able to turn a live tile on or off, If one is using the new Start Menu native to 9926 build then the option to turn live tiles on or off is no longer available.
    Not me. I have done nothing too it.? fwiw. I cannot resize it. I'll have a look at the link and see how it compares to what I have.

    P.S. Later. Nope. Done none of those things. This was a clean install, by the way??
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 72,031
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations

    davehc said:
    IownAmoneyPit said:
    davehc said:
    Still not sure I am on the same subject.?? I opened mine and, as usual, directed it to the town where I live. Looks fine. I can turn the tile off, and, visually, it returns to the blank default. I then need to open it for it to find its way again.

    If I want to lose the tiles altogether, I just "Unpin from Start"
    davehc if I interpret your screenshot correctly you are using the old resizable start menu with this new build and that is why you are still able to turn a live tile on or off, If one is using the new Start Menu native to 9926 build then the option to turn live tiles on or off is no longer available.
    Not me. I have done nothing too it.? fwiw. I cannot resize it. I'll have a look at the link and see how it compares to what I have.

    P.S. Later. Nope. Done none of those things. This was a clean install, by the way??
    Hello Dave,

    Do you see this below when trying to resize the Start menu? You'll have to be using the older resizable Start menu to be able to instead of the newer expandable Start menu.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 1,057
    Windows 11 Pro x 2

    davehc said:
    IownAmoneyPit said:
    davehc said:
    Still not sure I am on the same subject.?? I opened mine and, as usual, directed it to the town where I live. Looks fine. I can turn the tile off, and, visually, it returns to the blank default. I then need to open it for it to find its way again.

    If I want to lose the tiles altogether, I just "Unpin from Start"
    davehc if I interpret your screenshot correctly you are using the old resizable start menu with this new build and that is why you are still able to turn a live tile on or off, If one is using the new Start Menu native to 9926 build then the option to turn live tiles on or off is no longer available.
    Not me. I have done nothing too it.? fwiw. I cannot resize it. I'll have a look at the link and see how it compares to what I have.

    P.S. Later. Nope. Done none of those things. This was a clean install, by the way??
    My reply was based on your screenshot of your Start Menu in post #5 which looks different than mine (Note the difference between the edges & expandable button in the top RH corner), As to why they are different is a mystery.

    How do you turn off live tiles?-dave.png

    A partial snip from your Start Menu in post #5

    How do you turn off live tiles?-me.png

    My Start Menu
      My Computers


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