Yep that is the carrot that M$ is using to get a user base. Right now M$ would have a hard time giving away W8.x
Yep that is the carrot that M$ is using to get a user base. Right now M$ would have a hard time giving away W8.x
Haven't read through this thread but here is my answer.
Because Windows 10 will keep up with the technology and performance curve. Windows 7 will not. Already windows 7 is behind the curve in supporting advances like UASP for better USB 3 performance, Storage spaces is better than Windows 7 implementation of RAID, etc. And for me, user and admin interfaces are superior overall - like the new task manager. And these will certainly evolve to be better (cup half full).
Hi there
My main argument against Metro apps isn't against the actual apps themselves but the fact that on a desktop - especially with several LARGE Monitors I don't want to be restricted to working always in Full screen mode (if at all).
I'm often doing various different things concurrently and cutting / pasting bits from one application into another.
Imagine in a 3D CAD package if you could only work in single full screen mode --it would be impossible to extract part of the drawing while referencing another part (unless you printed stuff all over the place). With windowed operation I can plonk one part of the drawing on one monitor and another on a second monitor (or as a second window on the fist monitor).
Having fixed 1/4 or 1/2 screen windows is BONKERS when we all have different screen sizes and different resolutions.
Dynamically updating the data in a window is fine but the windows must IMO be re-sizeable and moveable. Then I could use "modern apps" but they don't work for me now in any shape or form on a desktop.
Your question is backwards. Why not? It is a free upgrade and it is smaller (if either matters). You don't have to use the parts you don't like. If you don't upgrade and something you actually do want is only developed on 10 and isn't back-ported for the old versions you'll have to pay to upgrade if you don't do it within a year of launch.
Now if you truly think 10 is worse than 7 then don't - lots of people thought 8 start menu was too confusing for them and if it was for them then it was. Not for me to say.
Don't complain after the free upgrade period when no new development is being done for 7 though. Perhaps Sparten will be good. Perhaps not. Will MS write it for 7? Will they rewrite anything new and (possibly) interesting for 7?
7 is still supported to 2020
Surprise no new development is being done for Windows 7 by Microsoft.
Virus protection makers will support Windows 7 to 2020 and some even longer that, heard of clamav? If it doesn't work you can usually find an older version you can download & use because those can still update the virus definition files.
I.E., Firefox, Google Chrome will support Windows 7 till at least 2020 and even longer than that in some cases.
If Adobe flash dies, html5 will take the place of that and still work in windows 7 third party browsers.
You ask why not?
What if it is a catch22? You upgrade & you can't go back. I know Brink says you can always go back but I have seen several post with that concern. They also got to make the free upgrade easier to install and a way to get it again for free after the free upgrade expires if your system crashes or you change hard drive or something else that cause you have to reinstall. Not everyone is technically like us. That why Microsoft needs to send an upgrade USB flashdrive 2.0 drive or Upgrade DVD disk per Microsoft email account would be a lot better. Believe or not there are still people on dial-up because that all they can get.
What if you don't like the themes? For me, I need a gray theme including application background--It didn't work to well in Windows 10 preview when I tried it out. I also need something I can read the print.
Are you saying you can't resize explorer windows in window 10? If so, I agree. I work on multiple application at the same time.Having fixed 1/4 or 1/2 screen windows is BONKERS when we all have different screen sizes and different resolutions.
I am so glad this discussion became such a lively interchange of ideas. I myself am really not yet sure what I am going to do next year but the ideas brought forward certainly help to clear the fog. But then we still have so much time to discuss. So don't stop making good pro and con arguments.
One thing I can say works very well indeed in Windows 10 9926 is the uninstall roll back routine. I have tried it out on a Windows 7 Ultimate laptop and Windows 8.1 with Media Center on a loaded powerful desktop which dual booted with 7 Ultimate. In both cases aside from a couple of icons which did not return to the taskbar the previous OS was restored flawlessly. At least that part of Windows 10 works very well. In fact some of you are making comments that we'll all have to get with the program or get left behind? Perhaps Microsoft is going to far with its views on exactly what an OS is. They want to to monetize it (their words not mine). By not moving in large numbers from 7 to 8 we caused a back pedal and rewrite and 8.1 to be released. Still not moving from 7 in vast numbers and Microsoft has decided it is done with 8 and is moving on to 10 as there is the nasty taste of 8 left behind. Frankly I see no benefit in my case to move to 10 even if it is free if it is going to be full of crapps which I don't want or need. If it does not look good like 7 does. They M$ seem to be designing the OS for the lowest common denominator least intelligent user and least powerful device. That leaves a bunch of people with powerful hardware running a poor excuse for an OS. Windows 7 still has 5 years. If I don't upgrade for free my 7 OS maybe the next version 10.1 or 11 M$ will have finally got right and removed all the mobile stuff. My desktop is not a phone and never will be.
Hi there
Like all these things use what's best for you.
I'd hazard a bet that unlike XP there won't be a lot of W7 users left by 2020. I can say that XP WILL still be around in 2020 because there is some really EXPENSIVE legacy hardware around (Machine tools, Lab equipment, Engineering plant maintenance hardware etc) which costs 100,000's of dollars or much more , have a life cycle of up to 40 years or more and which run on dedicated systems. It's no point to upgrade these (they usually can't be upgraded anyway and the hardware costs too much to upgrade -- how many channel tunnels or cross rail systems get built !! but thy still need to be maintained and repaired at intervals).
W7 is a different system entirely - there's almost nothing that runs on W7 that won't work(soon) on W10 if it's reasonably feasible to do so.
There's a HUGE difference in how XP works and the W7 OS -- not so much difference between W7 and W10 that can't be fairly easily upgraded.
There is likely to be a lot of totally new hardware by 2020 which will need a modern OS to make it work -- Genuine 3D screens WITHOUT GLASSES, Virtual reality, holograms and infinitely better touch systems for a start.
Another one I like is the use of "Virtual Screens" where I could project easily my screen to a large white wall using modern low power light sources and being able to use a laser stick on the virtual screen with commands sent back to the OS. No cables etc like the current "projectors".
All sorts of other hardware might be around that we haven't even thought about. 5 years in this biz is almost a geological epoch.