I'm not actually sure about bandwidth usage since I never use it...
I've have Cortana on my phone for a few months now with the DevPreview app for my WP - I reset the counters and performed some voice searches and it barely used 1MB of network data but realworld usage might be higher (more so with telemetry enabled)
You might be...
Which is why Cortana works with text input just as well. You don't have to say anything, just send her a text to remind you about something.
I think it's silly to already want to disable it without even trying it out, even then Cortana isn't about voice input, it's about personalizing content just for you. I have my local news, national news, Seahawks updates and a few other things Cortana tells me about. It's almost like a live tile with personalized live tile information.
Cortana doesn't require local processing power like speech recognition does, it's all internet backend stuff. Also, the speech recognition Cortana has is rather impressive, LOADS better than ios or android.
Cortana does require a Microsoft account for login which I like others don't want that type of connection,
Feedback already asked why I didn't use a Microsoft account,
Simply stated My world and that's my preferance to save a little bit of resources and popup messages....
I'm more interested in My Programs not Microsoft's apps.
I was never a fan of Messengers they are unneeded for me on a computer the ones I want go to my cell so anything else is erelevent.
Same can be said for two stage verification = first stage also goes to cell so why would I need another going to cell
Jimbo, I agree with you on the subject of noise. Also, I detest talking to machines (despite having been a techie for my entire working life). And Win10 is already too intrusive. If this integrative search system were capable of running in private, maybe. But deliberately share my data with MS? I don't think so. I have been hunting down snoopy parts and shutting them off. I want a processing engine and web portal, not an integrated piece of MSs data world.
Thus far, I've been able to resist setting up a Microsoft account. I've read that when you set one up, you need to use it to log into your P.C.. I don't log into my P.C.. I just start it up..or wake it up...and it's ready to go in a minute or two. Would hate to have to log in using a M.Soft or any other Username/Password. Lord knows we have enough of those on a daily basis.
That being said, I'm also reading good reviews on Cortana. I use Google Search on my Android. Speaking to it, instead of pecking keys, is a wonderful time saver. I'd like to do the same here on this home P.C., but having to login to my P.C. using a Microsoft account for that privilege is a deal breaker. I hope Microsoft will change this policy, or some smart person will come up with, and post a hack to get around this.
I think it's useless on a desktop PC but I can see the convenience of it on Windows phones. My tablet has Google voice but I've only used it a couple of times. Cortana is disabled on this PC. I wouldn't go so far to say I hate it and hate the idea of it since I can see where it could be useful.
You can set Windows to automatically log in with your MS account. That how I do it. The account does have it's advantages such as synching with other devices on the network and some apps need the account to work properly. When set up right, it's no hassle at all. I would never even consider logging in any other way.
Apparently in the next major Windows 10 update, you will be able to use Cortana with a local account.