What are your thoughts on Windows10?

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  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10

    What are your thoughts on Windows10?

    Hello again friends. I'm making assessments about the Windows 10. Please share with us your thoughts on Windows 10.

    Classic Start menu is really nice.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Just my 2c, but I really like Win10 and I plan on getting a copy when it becomes available.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 23,195
    Windows 10

    Not to impressed so far

    Waiting for announcement later this month to see if it has options to work similar to 8 (this is when I make up my mind on 10)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi there

    works for me too -- definitely interested.

    Storage Spaces are my big one as improvement from W7 as is mount ISO's and also built in security.

    I DO also on a desktop like the start (classic) menu. I also hope Touch features will be added back again decently on Touch (Desktop) devices. The current W10 doesn't manage Touch too well but remember the current previews were to emphasize to DESKTOP users that they could migrate from W7 without too much hassle.

    W8.1 was an interesting experiment but I still prefer the "Classic" way of doing things on the desktop - and W10 works so far (considering its stage in the development cycle).

    Another issue is cost -- I still have a VL W8.1 Enterprise license so I can run this on a few machines --whether I'll be able to afford W10 on a load of machines is another issue. (No more TechNet --sigh sigh).

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 239
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit

    paulsalter said:
    Not to impressed so far

    Waiting for announcement later this month to see if it has options to work similar to 8 (this is when I make up my mind on 10)
    Same here, it's gotta to a lot better & be able to run all applications that currently run in Windows 7 otherwise I shan't be upgrading.

    Windows10 said:
    Classic Start menu is really nice.
    Sorry, it's not a patch on Windows 7 or Stardock's Start8. Whilst not a deal breaker as long as there's a 3rd party work around - can't see Microsoft fixing this though.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 803
    10 Pro Preview x64

    BunnyJ said:
    Just my 2c, but I really like Win10 and I plan on getting a copy when it becomes available.
    Me too. Honestly I couldn't care less about "Start Menu" - in no version of any OS I've ever used has finding a program or a file been particularly onerous for me. Some like buttons and some like menus - I don't care. I never have to think "hmmm, I remember there is a great xxxx program I haven't used since 1983 the name of which I forget but I'm sure it is under the start menu section I created at that time"

    10 is smaller than 8 and subjectively (I've not tested it) faster. Smaller is good for me as backups are quicker and I'm also a bit constrained on disk space. 7 is now so big and messy I'd not consider ever installing it again.

    Like it or not MS development will be focussed on the current version so unless there is some terribly important reason for you not to (cost, you hate the UI, management will not let you or something like that) you should.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 23,195
    Windows 10

    adamf said:
    Like it or not MS development will be focussed on the current version so unless there is some terribly important reason for you not to (cost, you hate the UI, management will not let you or something like that) you should.
    Very true,
    Cost is the only thing that would stop me getting it
    Not a fan of the new UI style (wouldn't put it as strongly as hate it, I would adapt to it, but prefer not to if the choices are there), but we still have 8 or 9 months to go before release, plenty of time for changes to happen
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 7,127
    Windows 10 Pro Insider

    I do like what MS is doing in Win 10. I'm not sure if I'll buy it or not though. It depends on what the final release is like and the price. I do know if it's not offered at a discount price I definitely won't buy it.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 2,662
    W10 Pro (desktop), W11 (laptop), W11Pro (tablet)

    I think Win 10 is OK but I'm not chomping at the bit to get it as there is nothing in there that makes it an essential upgrade for me. I can take it or leave it. I have no plans to upgrade any of my current machines that are running Win 7 & Win 8 to Win 10.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 17,136
    macOS Big Sur

    I really like, so far! Here are some things I like..

    • It boots faster then my Windows 8.1!
    • The Start Menu is nice. It could still use some UI work, but it does what it's suppose to do.
    • Thin borders on the windows.
    • The new icons.
    • Metro apps in windows.

    And what I don't like...

    • My back lit keyboard doesn't work with the current build.
    • I still think it should have been called Windows 9..
    • And it really doesn't have to many noticeable difference from Windows 8.. besides the Start Menu.

    Besides that, I like it!
      My Computer


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