What are your thoughts on Windows10?

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  1. Posts : 83
    windows 7

    Upgraded my Wife's laptop from 8.1. Upgraded my desktop from 7 and just did a clean install. Will do a clean install on hers also.
    Desktop is wired, cable internet. Laptop is wireless. Have not had any connectivity issues. Other than some minor bugs everything is working good. We are sticking with 10 and not looking back. The more I use it the more I like it.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 12,810
    Windows 11 Pro

    Just to test, I had an old laptop I 'Inherited' and wanted to see if it would run 10. I installed from a USB and had no problems. It has a T2390 CPU @1.86GHz. I put an SSD in it just to make it usable. But, it is running 10 fine, or as well as it is capable. So, 10 will run on old hardware.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 33
    Windows 10

    Overall, I like the result of blending the metro/tile look w/the traditional desktop. As has been mentioned, it's probably what 8 should have been. I don't think I l'll use Cortana. I'm not sure about the multi-desktop feature. I'm still playing around with the OS.

    There was no point keeping 8.1 on my 2-in-1 with the free upgrade. At the end of the day, however, without any earth-shattering productivity breakthroughs (IMO), I'm not compelled to change anything on my two Windows 7 computers atm.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 16
    win 8.1 pro

    I love it and I have had no problems. Like it a lot better than 8.1. Wrote my review on general discussion area.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4

    I upgraded my sons gaming pc since he loves his xbox stuff.

    Looks pretty sharp.

    I looked for notepad but could not find it. The start menu items are not arranged by vendor like my win7 start menu. I had them organized into into groups: media.. utilities.. for ease of searching.

    I also did not see fast user switching so I could log into an admin account for a quick change.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 10240

    Upgraded from 8.1 Core to Win10 Home, and i am really liking it.
    Its good that i don't have to install classicshell to get classic menu. Much faster to open.
    Also i love the virtual desktops.
    Going good for now
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 131
    Windows 10

    So far I like it a lot. I joined the insider prg several months ago so I've been giving it a test run for a little while now. I liked it enough to upgrade my main pc with a few hitches but nothing that I couldn't fix. I even updated the wife's netbook and it works a lot better than with 8.1. I was a major fan of 7, but this is everything it was and more. I was able to configure this pc to look like 7 so the wife can use it without missing a beat. Like MS, I like having all my systems (at least my pcs) on the same OS.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 200
    Wds10 - OEM

    ThrashZone said:
    I've never noticed any difference in startup time between 7 and 10 :/
    If anything 7 is faster no lock screen to load
    Yup ...same here ...with wds 10 ..it's a bit slower boot than my wds 8.1 with bypass lock screen ..
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 131
    Windows 10

    I really never cared for 8.1 so I skipped it. I was having a few problems beginning to show up on 7 that was impacting on my pc starting. That was one of the reasons I wanted to go to 10 as soon as I did. I figured I'd upgrade and if it didn't solve my problem ( which often upgrades don't) that I'd then be able to do a clean install and fix it. As it turned out, it fixed my issue and so at this point I'm going to run with what I have. If necessary, I can always do a clean install latter. The only fair comparison I have is on the netbook, and it boots a lot faster with 10 than it did with 8.1.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 53
    Windows 10 Pro

    i'm not sure if this is new, but I'm in the other room away from my computer, and using remote desktop on my phone to make this post. this is awesome! It's like someone installed desktop windows 10 on my phone!
      My Computer


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