Poll: After testing Win10TP are you going to get a copy??
Now that we have had a chance to actually test out and play with Win10TP it might be a good time to see how many of use are going to actually get a copy of Win10 or not.
In the early days we had a survey and that was before we had time to really test out the TP so now I think we can now determine if we are going to commit to getting a copy of Win10 or not.
So, here's my view and thoughts.. YMMV as usual.
- I really like what I see in Win10 ATM. Being a big user of the desktop it fits my needs perfectly and it allows me to pin the apps that I do use to the new version of the start menu.
- All of the programs/apps that I use on a daily basis work just fine in Win10.
- Overall, I'm just pleased with the way Win10 works and even with the bugs it's headed on the right path, of course IMO.
1 The only thing that I don't like so far is that Win10 will not let me easily go to a start screen. I don't need that but that feature would be nice.
Right not I'm at 80/20.
80% I will get the copy and 20% undecided.
10% I need to see the consumer preview before I can make a final decision on my total like of the product.
10% Price and total cost of Win10. If that's not over the top it's a go for me.
Just my 2c.
Have fun and play nice.
Jeff :)