Poll: After testing Win10TP are you going to get a copy??

View Poll Results: Getting a copy of Win10??

88. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes

    58 65.91%
  • No

    3 3.41%
  • Undecided

    11 12.50%
  • Waiting to see January Build

    16 18.18%
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  1. Posts : 1,261
    Windows 8.1, Win10Pro

    I've had just so many problems since the latest build, that unless the January update fixes these, I may simply leave Win10 behind until the RTM comes out. The daily CHKDSKs, which I first thought were tied to my doing an "update install", are still there with a new disk and clean install. It's not worth the hassle of doing diagnostics on a daily basis, just to get it to boot.

    So, basically, I'm waiting for the January update build to see how it goes.
      My Computer

  2. whs
    Posts : 1,935
    Windows 7

    I stayed on 9841 - looks like that was a smart choice.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,811
    W7 Ultimate SP1 (64 bit), LM 19.2 MATE (64 bit), W10 Home 1703 (64 bit), W10 Pro 1703 (64 bit) VM

    whs said:
    I stayed on 9841 - looks like that was a smart choice.
    It seems so.

    Since I had no issues with b9841 (IMO) it was almost perfect for standard desktop use (except for my standard W7 quibbles).
      My Computer

  4. whs
    Posts : 1,935
    Windows 7

    What are your standard W7 quibbles ?
      My Computer

  5. whs
    Posts : 1,935
    Windows 7

    Out of 15 votes, nobody said 'NO' yet. That's a good sign.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,811
    W7 Ultimate SP1 (64 bit), LM 19.2 MATE (64 bit), W10 Home 1703 (64 bit), W10 Pro 1703 (64 bit) VM

    Windows Annoyances/Quibbles

    whs said:
    What are your standard W7 quibbles ?
    From "Finally installed Win 10, not impressed":

    lehnerus2000 said:
    BunnyJ said:
    Thanks for expanding on that. It helps me, at least, to fully know what you meant by annoying rather than me guessing or making assumptions.
    No problems.
    "Annoying" also varies from person to person. :)

    IMO, a lot of the time when people say, "W8 is hard to use", they actually mean annoying.

    Just to be clear, I'm not claiming that other versions of Windows were perfect.

    For example, annoyances in W7:

    • The OS ignores the "Read-only" attribute (Windows started doing this after XP)
    • The Navigation pane's uncontrollable auto-scroll
    • Apparently List view also has uncontrollable auto-scroll
    • The horrible Network Manager which can't even determine that the network is actually working
    • The extra clicks required to configure the OS, compared to XP
    • The removal of customisable toolbars in Windows Explorer (and the Up arrow)

    Some of those annoyances (if not all of them) were introduced in Vista.
    Many of them continue through to W10.
    BTW, has anyone noticed that you can't indent Quotes containing lists?

    whs said:
    Out of 15 votes, nobody said 'NO' yet. That's a good sign.
    I didn't select any options in the poll.
      My Computer

  7. whs
    Posts : 1,935
    Windows 7

    I didn't select any options in the poll.
    Then you are not part of the 15.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    I voted no. I'll have to see the flnal product, but as of today, I definitely would not purchase it, nor would I use it even if they gave it away. I'll stick with 8.1. The only feature I like is the smaller sizing/snapping of the Store apps, otherwise this is stepping back into the last decade > correction > the last century. As far back as 95 when the desktop and start menu was introduced. It was good for it's time, but this desktop oriented OS is backward and obstructing tech of the future. Opening and using Modern Store apps on the ancient desktop is absolutely absurd. They need to open on their own screen as in 8.x. The desktop needs to die off so far as I'm concerned. It should only remain as a portal until all software is ported over to the Modern.

    My hat tipped to Sinofski and Ballmer for creating 8.
    Last edited by Tony K; 20 Dec 2014 at 09:23.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 3,453

    Well, it's a resounding Yes from me... :)

    (After all the whining I did at EF back in the day... LOL)
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 23,195
    Windows 10

    I have gone for undecided at the moment (but also waiting till January update)

    Desktop is mainly undecided, I am hoping Jan update will bring more of a Win 8 feel to it (not just start screen), but if the price is right I will upgrade anyway
    Tablet I am waiting to see what Jan brings, but if it looks anything like the current leaks with Continuum, then I will stick with 8.1
      My Computer


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