Windows 7 should be Windows 11

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  1. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Rickkins said:
    In my opinion, the big problem is two-fold.

    First, you have scores of coders on the payroll, each of whom has to continually justify their continued employment, so they dream up nonsensical changes to what was already a good system. We'll call that "change for change sake".

    Then, you have ms who has to flog the altered product, both to pay said coders, and to make some more money. True, that is the way of the world... but that does not mean that each new "feature", and I use that word figuratively, is even a tiny improvement. Indeed, as often as not, it's a step backward. While most real improvements could be made under the hood, that wouldn't show, and they need something to "show".

    Imho, of course...
    Fortunately or unfortunately others like the idea of having a new more modern OS. There are real improvements being made in the new OS and not all of them are just fluff.

    As for coders justifying their existence.. well. Being a coder/analyst for over 20 years I can tell you that myself and my colleagues did have to invent reasons to keep our jobs. There were always changes that needed to be made and new systems to be developed all of the time. Claiming that the "coders" are the ones driving the changes is far from the truth. We/they perform the tasks that the designers come up with, not the other way around.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    Rickkins said:
    Imho, of course...

    Thanks for the best laughs in ages :). Have not noticed any h in your opinions, at least not in this thread. Spilled coffee just now allover the keyboard due hysterical laugh attack.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    What gets me are OPs that state something off the wall statement such as

    Yeah, that's the ticket for PC users.
    and always including an emotional statement like

    to get members going usually with heated debate most times never to see the OP again. I liken them to be like fire starters that return to the scene never saying a word. I know they are looking in because of the "Thread Information" strip below.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    HippsieGypsie said:
    What gets me are OPs that state something off the wall statement such as

    and always including an emotional statement like

    to get members going usually with heated debate most times never to see the OP again. I liken them to be like fire starters that return to the scene never saying a word. I know they are looking in because of the "Thread Information" strip below.
    I noticed that as well. Unfortunately that happens all to often in forums.
    We just have to avoid feeding into the drama.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 7,724
    3-Win-7Prox64 3-Win10Prox64 3-LinuxMint20.2

    Rickkins said:
    ThrashZone said:

    The only other option would be to drill down through C and find Users.....
    A far better option, imho, is to simply create your own folder where you want to save whatever.(not a fan of the c\users\bla bla\whatever. Can't imagine how anyone ever thaught that was in any way useful)((I know, you're shocked, right...))
    Well people use the default account all the time although not recommended because if the default account get corrupted a re-install is about the only way to fix it either that or hunting down mission is in order :/
    With the Users... it's all but making a new user account and transferring stuff and deleting the corrupted account,
    Usually takes allot less time to fix and fewer possible lost files,

    But if one was inclined they could make their own user template and use it instead
    Kari made some nice tutorials on that operation,
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 372
    Windows 10

    Kari said:
    Rickkins said:
    Imho, of course...

    Thanks for the best laughs in ages :). Have not noticed any h in your opinions, at least not in this thread. Spilled coffee just now allover the keyboard due hysterical laugh attack.
    Holy jeebus. Pot, meet Kettle.

    Bet ya don't see that, do ya...??
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,811
    W7 Ultimate SP1 (64 bit), LM 19.2 MATE (64 bit), W10 Home 1703 (64 bit), W10 Pro 1703 (64 bit) VM

    Kari said:
    @lehnerus2000, that's still a user made decision, to use default save location. It does not change the fact that the user makes the decision where the files are saved; by accepting defaults user has decided the default location is OK and does not need to be changed. I admit that the user might not know how to change the defaults and is therefore using default save locations, in which case it's also a user decision, not to find out how libraries work.

    It really is so simple: it is always the user who decides, not Windows. I do not use default save locations, I have decided to use other folders for that. Another user is happy with Windows defaults and decides to use them.
    We'll have to agree to disagree. :)

    A user has to know:
    • That an option exists
    • How to access that option

    If they don't know either of those things (especially the first) they are going to struggle.

    When I first got my own computer and I started to install software, I didn't know which install options were necessary for the program and which were crapware/malware.

    As I'm sure you are aware, Windows help forums are full of people claiming that they didn't know they had to:
    • Install an AV (and use it)
    • Check for spyware
    • Make backups of their data
    • Download updates
    • Avoid installing every program they blunder across on the Internet
    • Avoid clicking on links in emails
    • etc.

    Most users apparently have no interest in even the most basic operational aspects of a PC.

    The reason Windows help forums exist, is because MS has proven itself to be completely incapable of:
    • Explaining how Windows works (to ordinary users)
    • Providing useful help files

    As an example, the "Getting Started" video about Libraries (in W7) requires a user to install Silverlight.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    I will try to stop this debate over semantics, I just want to say this:

    Ignorance is also a decision. Windows uses default save locations, it's up to user to decide which those locations are. Of course there has to be a Plan B in case the user has made the decision either to ignore finding out how to change those or is too lazy to care. In addition, to guarantee the functionality, Windows of course needs to have a set location to start with when it is installed, until it after first OOBE boot arrives at a point where the user can start using his / her right to decide.

    Be it a known decision to use for instance the Documents folder as default save location in Documents library, or ignorance or laziness, it is always the decision made by user. A decision is something which can be reverted, changed; Windows cannot change the default locations by itself, it cannot make that decision. It's always the user, as said earlier through a known decision, ignorance or laziness.

    A good example is when you create a new library, let's say you want a library for your PDF-files, create it naming it PDF. If Windows would be able to decide the default save location for this library it would create a folder or add an existing folder to that library and mark it as save location. However, as Windows is totally incapable to make this decision it can't do it, the library PDF does not contain any folders before the user makes the decision.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 519

    Kari said:
    Rickkins said:
    Libraries....??? Chuck 'em in the toilette. I don't need ms telling me where to save stuff. Seriously, I am completely capable of deciding where I want to put stuff. Doy...
    As is so often the case when reading these "I don't need it" posts, also in this case your post clearly shows that you have not the faintest idea of what Windows libraries are and how they work, that you simply do not understand them.

    Of course I know that not everyone is capable to understand some even the most basic features of Windows. I will try to put this as simple as possible in order to try to get even you to understand: Windows Libraries do not decide where the files are saved, the user does. Libraries just collect the information and show everything in one place.

    With respect, I feel you are talking down to the poster in your post. The libraries are not exactly hi tech, and you certainly do not need a degree in computer technology to know how they work.
    The first thing I do, after an initial install, is turn off the libraries. I know exactly where I have my folders and information, and do not need duplicates popping up in my face, in yet another area.
    If you find them useful, then it is individual taste, and no comment required.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    Dave, your response reveals it once again: even experienced users have issues in using libraries due misunderstanding them, wrong way to handle them, taking them for something they are not. There are no duplicates, libraries do not create nor cause any duplicates. Absolutely not. Claiming that to be the case means the user has not understand or has misused them.
      My Computer


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