Intermittent reboots / hangs (no BSOD or dump)

  1. Posts : 10
    Windows 10 (64-bit) dual booting with Ubuntu Studio 15.04

    Intermittent reboots / hangs (no BSOD or dump)

    Hi all, this problem has been pestering me for months, but after failed attempts to fix it myself, I felt I should ask for help.

    I am running Windows 10 (64-bit), but this problem also occurred on 8.1 and 7 (both 64-bit) with clean installations. I am also dual booting Ubuntu Studio 15.04, but more on that later.

    When I boot my PC into 10, I have up to ten minutes before my PC either resets forcefully by itself, or freezes and never recovers. When I check the Minidump folder afterwards nothing is there.

    I have replaced both my CPU (amd fx-6300) and PSU (corsair cx500m), and tested my RAM (with both sticks or just one), but none of that has fixed the problem.

    My BIOS settings are at their defaults, no over/underclocking or over/undervolting at all.

    The odd thing is, Ubuntu Studio runs fine with no crashes as far as I can see *EDIT: NOT THE CASE* , but if there was a software problem surely there would be a dump file?

    I'd like to see what the community here thinks.
    Last edited by Zudo; 30 Oct 2015 at 09:44. Reason: Ubuntu Studio also crashes...
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,750
    win10 home

    Have you checked Event Viewer>Custom Views>Administrative Events for error codes and any relevant information? You may find the "Online help" link not quite as helpful as it's name implies.If one of the errors is wudfrd.then try services.msc in the search box.scroll down the list until you come to Windows Driver Framework,select it,then RIGHT click on it,left click on Properties,in the General Tab go to STARTUP TYPE and in the dropdown menu select Automatic and try it.You can always go back to Manual if that does not work.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 10
    Windows 10 (64-bit) dual booting with Ubuntu Studio 15.04
    Thread Starter

    joeandmarg0 said:
    Have you checked Event Viewer>Custom Views>Administrative Events for error codes and any relevant information? You may find the "Online help" link not quite as helpful as it's name implies.If one of the errors is wudfrd.then try services.msc in the search box.scroll down the list until you come to Windows Driver Framework,select it,then RIGHT click on it,left click on Properties,in the General Tab go to STARTUP TYPE and in the dropdown menu select Automatic and try it.You can always go back to Manual if that does not work.
    Thanks for the help, but that hasn't fixed the problem. However, today I was greeted with a dump file. I'll mark this as solved for now.
      My Computer


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