W10 shutdown/sleep/re-boot issues
Howdy all,
I recently loaded W10 onto my computer. I completed a clean install. My computer is a HP-580t, I7, running a ssd hard drive. Motherboard is from Pegatron Corporation - IPMTB-TK. Legacy bios.
Issues: When I shut down the computer, no matter what method it just reboots, after days of research I'm left scratching me head. Also, I can not wake up from sleep mode.
Things I have tried: Complete a fresh install of W10, Checked bios for updates, drivers for updates. Tweaked my power settings just about every way you can think about. Tried registry tweaks. Disabled drivers one at a time. Tried different bios settings. Tried and changed just about every setting in device manager. Ran windows trouble shooter. Checked my boot log. Looking for any fresh ideas I can try.
The only change I made is going from an hdd to ssd recently.
Thanks in advance.