OEM Windows 10?

  1. Posts : 100

    OEM Windows 10?

    Why would anyone buy an OEM windows 10 because it seems to me for a couple of dollars more just get the full version because Windows 10 will out last the computer you build?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    OEM as in the OEM media or a new pc or tablet that comes with 10 preinstalled? MS is abandoning the optical media options seen with the previous versions and selling either the download or 10 media on a read only usb flash drive when at the MS online store. The two types of licenses for Full Retail and OEM are still seen however which sees the OEM for System Builder license intended to see the 10 media go along with any new system custom built for sale by a dealer. That's how that works where previously the OEM dvd woutd go with each new build since the EULA states that the media used to install the Windows OS has to be included along with any equipment sales.

    The Full Retail license on the other hand allows you to transfer that license from the present system you have now to the next custom build once the present goes belly up or is put out of commission with the drives wiped clean of any Windows installations. Most wiill opt for using a secure data erasing option. The pricing for the one time buy of course is less for those who will only see one OS per machine when buying the OEM media. Newegg carries both for Home and Pro editions. windows 10 - Newegg.com
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 487

    lostsoul65 said:
    Why would anyone buy an OEM windows 10 because it seems to me for a couple of dollars more just get the full version because Windows 10 will out last the computer you build?
    Because of the price difference. I don't know about US pricing, but in the UK it's more than a couple of dollars difference in price.

    Windows 10 Pro Retail = £150.33
    Windows 10 Pro OEM = £111.08

    Windows 8.1 Pro Retail = £149.00
    Windows 8.1 Pro OEM = £109.99

    If the price was only a couple of dollars difference, then it goes without saying that most people would just use the retail version when they build new machines. With the 'Home' version the prices are closer though, in which case if I was building a machine for myself, then I'd go for the retail version if there wasn't much difference in price.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    The Home OEM is $99US while the Pro OEM is $139.99 US compared to the the $119.99US Retail for Home and $199.99US for Pro. If you are only planning to buy for one machine such as a premade to upgrade from 7, 8, 8.1 you save $60 on Pro and $20 on the Home edition with the one pc only option. The Newegg link posted earlier has the US pricing there anyways while the downloads is found out only when going to make the purchase being the Retail price. At the MS store there's no difference between download or with usb flash drive.
      My Computers


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