Windows 10 Pro 64 bit - sleep and display problems

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit

    Windows 10 Pro 64 bit - sleep and display problems

    After clean installing Windows 10 I came across two irritations.
    Irritation 1:- When my desktop awakes from sleep, it doesn't see my Seagate External drive but does see my Iomega and WD external drives! If I restart or reboot it sees them all! No exclamation marks in Device Manager.
    Irritation 2 :- My eyesight is not as good as it was and I set the display to 125% but when the desktop goes into sleep mode it defaults back to 100% when it wakes up! I can right click on the display, choose Display and choose 125% again and it tells me I will need to login. I agree, The login screen appears. I login and the screen is correct to 125% again - until it goes to sleep again!
    Has anyone any ideas as to how I can correct these two irritations?
    I might also add that a square black screen appears over my widescreen Gigabyte bootscreen. It happens after the single beep from the mobo! It then boots up as normal. See images...................Windows 10 Pro 64 bit - sleep and display problems-boot-up-screen-1-2.jpgWindows 10 Pro 64 bit - sleep and display problems-then-2-2.jpg
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 193
    Windows 10 Pro

    For irritation1 , this is likely to do with the power management settings for the disk drive or the USB port. Try looking at the parameters for the other drives and compare the settings. Also see if it behaves differently when plugged into a different USB port. May help narrow it down further.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Kanata said:
    For irritation1 , this is likely to do with the power management settings for the disk drive or the USB port. Try looking at the parameters for the other drives and compare the settings. Also see if it behaves differently when plugged into a different USB port. May help narrow it down further.
    Hi Kanata,
    Greetings from the UK!
    Thanks for your comment. I am attaching a print screen of my Disk Management details. Can you explain what you suggest I look for and where I will find it please.
    Cheers.Windows 10 Pro 64 bit - sleep and display problems-disk-management-details.jpg
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 193
    Windows 10 Pro

    So first try a different physical USB port to see if it's a port issue or the drive. Chances are it's the port. Open Device Manager and find out which USB entry under 'Universal Serial Bus Controllers' ties up with your drive (connect and reconnect to find out), then right-click on that entry and access the properties and see if there is a Power Management tab with options you can change.
      My Computer


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