OPEN Applications of the monitor i start them from (Using the taskbar)
Hi everyone,
I'm going crazy to find a solution for this.
Example: I use the start menu of the secondary monitor to open an application, that application open on the primary monitor.
Is there a way to get that application to open on the monitor I started it from. (Using the Start Button of that monitor) ?
I don't actually get the point of having an extra start menu taskbar on that second monitor if it actually open the application on the primary one instead of the current one. It defeat the purpose of having a Start button on those secondary monitor. (I means if you gonna open an application on the primary one, I might as well just use the Start button of the primary one!!)
Also i'm having a second issue related to the first one i guess:
Example: I open Chrome\File Explorer or whatever on my secondary monitor and close it. When I try to open a new one on any monitor it would open it at the LAST KNOW LOCATION of where I closed it.
This is very annoying when you use "Virtual Desktop" "Multiple Monitor" If I open an application I expect it to open where I launch it from(Monitor,Virtual Desktop etc).
How can you have ALL applications start from where you actually start them from?