windows 10 crashes regularly

  1. Posts : 3
    windows 10

    windows 10 crashes regularly

    Ever sense I got a an update on or about 10/12 my laptop has been crashing. I will crash while nothing is running. I will crash ever time I attempt to look at the event log. I have updated all drivers. I want to get this posted before it crashes again. any ideas?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 193
    Windows 10 Pro

    Exactly what happens when it crashes? Does it have a blue screen of death; does it reboot; any pop-up errors?
    Also check in the Windows System event logs (if you can) around the time of the crash and see what errors may be occurring.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 384
    Window 10

    itisanissue said:
    Ever sense I got a an update on or about 10/12 my laptop has been crashing. I will crash while nothing is running. I will crash ever time I attempt to look at the event log. I have updated all drivers. I want to get this posted before it crashes again. any ideas?
    Do a system restore to the point prior to the update. The system likely created one before installing the update.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    itisanissue said:
    Ever sense I got a an update on or about 10/12 my laptop has been crashing. I will crash while nothing is running. I will crash ever time I attempt to look at the event log. I have updated all drivers. I want to get this posted before it crashes again. any ideas?
    thanks katana
    I have attached a big list of events of different types. the screen is blue and a mgs flashes by saying ...send to Microsoft.. the laptop proceeds to restart. I had 400 event today.
    windows 10 crashes regularly Attached Files
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    PJLLB said:
    Do a system restore to the point prior to the update. The system likely created one before installing the update.
    If I can I will I want to try to id the problem first
      My Computer


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