Cant find 'my files' or 'search the web' in start button/menu or WIN+S
Hi people, my names Jimmy. I got Windows 10 home a few months now and am loving it. No problems whatsoever with the installation or setup/usage and it'd fast and bug free. My problem happened just last week...
I used to press the WIN key & S to search for files. Or i can press the START button and just start typing. It will search for my files & search the internet (cortana search). Now nothing happens when i search.
When i press WIN+S, and type something, it just sit's there doing nothing, but it seems like Cortana is thinking or about to give out information, but nothing happens at all. Same as on the start menu. I type out something and no information is given, it wont search for any of my files or nothing.
I am at a lost. In the past, it worked perfectly, like Windows 8.1. Press START, & type.
pls if anyone 'Windows' savy knows or has come across this situation, i will be grateful for any help... yours sincerely Jimmy