I just upgraded to windows 10 and I have some questions

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  1. Posts : 6
    Windows 10

    tim87 said:
    1) Does 10 check for check for updates automatically? if so, how do I turn that option off?
    2) Earlier I checked for updates and it automatically started installing as soon as it was done checking, is there a way to select which updates to install?
    3) How much does the battery drain if you have the "hey cortana" voice activation on?

    That's all the questions I can think of right now. I'll reply to this thread if I have anymore.
    About the amount of battery drain if you have the "hey cortana" voice activation on?, itīs almost insificant, but, if your laptop isnīt new i recomend you to turn it off
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 36
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    How do you find out what version all of your drivers are? Maybe an out of date driver is causing the problem? Also, once it's booted up it takes longer for the cpu and disk to go back down to normal percentages.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 92
    Windows 10

    tim87 said:
    How do you find out what version all of your drivers are? Maybe an out of date driver is causing the problem? Also, once it's booted up it takes longer for the cpu and disk to go back down to normal percentages.
    You can find the version of drivers using device manager; right click on the start button and choose device manager, then find your device in the tree, double click on it and go to the 'driver' tab. Unfortunately for many manufacturers (AMD and Nvidia for example) the number you see here won't correspond to a driver package as they number them differently, but you should at least be able to see if the driver is old by the date.

    It's normal for disk/cpu usage to be higher immediately after boot, Windows (and possibly apps you have installed) are often set to do various things on startup. A way around this is to hibernate your PC rather than shut it down, but it could also be an indication that either your system is underpowered or something is misbehaving. Check for viruses, run CrystalDiskInfo to see if your disks are all OK, scandisk, defrag, etc. and so on. In my experience Windows 10 is more dependent on a fast disk than 7 was, using a slow disk will seriously affect overall performance.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 36
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Would it be fine if I just went to the hp site and updated all the drivers? or will it mess something up if the driver is already up to date?

    It takes like 5mins or so for the cpu and disk % to go back down once it boots up, it took like 2 maybe three mins with windows 8.1
      My Computer


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