Windows 10 -Save back to windows 7 capabilities after beyond one month

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  1. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    Gary said:
    Oh, well can you? I didn't think you could after going back to 7 unless you buy it.. I don't really know.
    Yes, you can, once you have activated a 10 install you can go back and clean install anytime after rolling back. I don't know if you can upgrade again though, as it already did once.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    Dude said:
    Yes, you can, once you have activated a 10 install you can go back and clean install anytime after rolling back. I don't know if you can upgrade again though, as it already did once.
    You can upgrade from 7 to 10 as many times as you want on the same computer.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Whatphoeb said:
    After you upgrade to Windows 10 you may notice two folders on your System or C Drive named $Windows.~BT and $Windows.~WS. These folders are hidden and are created by Windows, during the upgrade process. To see them, open Folder Options, and set Windows to show hidden and operating system files and folders. You will then be able to see them.

    These $Windows.~BT, $Windows.~WS and Windows.old folders are required by the system to perform the rollback operation. After 30 days, Windows 10 automatically deletes these folders during Automatic Maintenance. After 30 days, you may not see the option to Rollback in the Settings app.

    What you can do is rename these folders, as soon as you upgrade, and definitely before the 30 day period.

    Rename $Windows.~BT to say Bak-$Windows.~BT, $Windows.~WS to Bak-$Windows.~WS and Windows.old folder to Bak- Windows.old.

    When you do this, Windows 10 will not be able to delete these folders as you will have changed their names.

    If you decide to rollback after 30 days, rename these folders back to their original names and visit Settings > Update & Security > Recovery to Go back to Windows 8.1 or Windows 7.

    Note: If you have Image Backup software installed make a backup of Windows 10 after you have renamed the 2 folders. When and if you choose to recovery / roll back to Windows 7 or 8.1 should something go wrong with the rollback process just restore the backup and try again.

    Edit: i think this guide on microsoft forum is useful and detailed:

    How to extend the 30 day limit to go back to your previous version of - Microsoft Community

    Thanks for your detailed answer.

    Yes, I saw those folders and thought of renaming them without even googling the case.
    But I did wanted to be sure I'll still have to possibility to revert from the Setting app and for the option to still remain and not getting disappeared or something after 30 days.
    After reading your reply and on the Microsoft communities forum, I'm understanding this option will not fade away as Windows 10 won't be able to "complete the process" of deleting these folders, thus making the option to be tricked and stay put.

    Thanks a lot again :)

    Gary said:
    Oh, well can you? I didn't think you could after going back to 7 unless you buy it.. I don't really know.
    You will be able, for sure, to go back to windows 10 after reverting back to win 7. by upgrading to win 10 you activate your win 10 eligibility and make a permanent reservation for windows 10 for present and future use.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    sn00ker said:
    What kind of computer do you have ? custom or brand name > ( dell, hp, sony ) ?
    It's a custom build, not any branded one.

    I'm all set now, thank you for replying.
      My Computer


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