extract and preserve folders and pathways?

  1. Posts : 11
    win7 and new to 10

    extract and preserve folders and pathways?

    I do not have windows 10 (yet) so I can't test this out. I developed software that needs to be extracted. The folder that is extracted has another folder in it along with a Flash player. The Flash player needs to remain in the folder along with the folder containing the files because of the way the pathways are structured. My customers are having trouble because if they choose extract all the files are all extracted separately. The folder structure is not preserved. How can I give instructions on what appears to be compressed folder options so that the folder structure is preserved. I can see from looking at tutorials that there are options for extracting, but I do know what those options are. Thanks in advance.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,054
    Windows 11 Pro X64 22H2 22621.1848

    Extract All has always preserved folder structure for me. I don' t use it any more as I prefer 7-ZIP. It's Extract here and Extract to always preserver folder structure.

    Edit: I just tested this by creating a zip file with several folders in it, each of which has a couple files. There were also files not in those folders.

    I then copied the zip file to another location then did a Extract all and everything was exactly as the source. Folder strusture and content was exactly the same as the original.

    Don't know what your customers are doing or how they are doing it but you need them to provide a step by step scenario so you or someone here can try to recreate it.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 11
    win7 and new to 10
    Thread Starter

    Ztruker said:
    Extract All has always preserved folder structure for me. I don' t use it any more as I prefer 7-ZIP. It's Extract here and Extract to always preserver folder structure.

    Edit: I just tested this by creating a zip file with several folders in it, each of which has a couple files. There were also files not in those folders.

    I then copied the zip file to another location then did a Extract all and everything was exactly as the source. Folder strusture and content was exactly the same as the original.

    Don't know what your customers are doing or how they are doing it but you need them to provide a step by step scenario so you or someone here can try to recreate it.
    Thanks for testing that out for me. I don't know what might be going on. I've just had three buyers report the same problem with the exe file being moved out of the folder in win10 in the last week. One person finally admitted later yesterday that he had moved the file out manually instead of making a shortcut the correct way. Seems like frustrating things come in waves.
      My Computer


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