How do you narrow Win 10 search criteria

  1. Posts : 28
    win 10 pro 32

    How do you narrow Win 10 search criteria

    When you think you know part of a file name, how do you search only for files on "this PC" that have that word or words in the file name. I may be missing something but when I search, I get everything that has the search word anywhere in it and I am left with hundreds of files to scroll through ... documents, PDFs, spreadsheets, you name it. How do you refine the search criteria?

    Thanks in advance
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 193
    Windows 10 Pro

    In File Explorer, at the top right where the search field is, click on the little magnifying glass icon and you get a new ribbon menu with search options.
    You can also use the logical operators (AND OR NOT) in the search field.
    Then there are search filters which prefix a search word, such as, content: name: size:
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    You can narrow the search to certain file types entering either the file extension or file type.

    Searching files with a certain extension, use EXT:XXX:
    • EXT:DOC finds all document files with extensions .doc, .docx and so on (any files with extension starting with letters doc)
    • EXT:PNG finds all image files with extension .png

    The same with file type, use KIND:XXXXXX:
    • KIND:DOCUMENT finds all documents
    • KIND:IMAGE finds all images and photos
    • KIND:PRESENTATION finds all presentations

    For example if you want to find a PDF file with partial file name Test you can search for Test ext:PDF, or to find an Excel workbook or spreadsheet Budget you could search Budget ext:xls. Searching a PowerPoint presentation with a partial name November you can search November kind:presentation.

    You can also combine these and even use so called logical operators AND, OR & NOT. Notice that an operator in search must be written in all caps (upper case):
    • November kind:presentation OR kind:spreadsheet would find all PowerPoint presentations and Excel workbooks with a partial filename November
    • ext:PDF datecreated:last month NOT Budget would find all PDF files created last month except those with partial name Budget
    • Budget AND November would find all files where both strings Budget and November appear in the file name

    Read more in this tutorial on our sister site the Seven Forums, most of it applies to Windows 10, too: Search - Find More with Filters and Operators - Windows 7 Help Forums

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 28
    win 10 pro 32
    Thread Starter

    A BIG THANKS to Kanata and Kari. I came over from 7 and did not expect or look for the search filters on the explorer menu (in my mind they should have been associated with "search" and not staring at me almost constantly).

    It appears that until you have used a specific filter, it does not show up as a suggestion dropping down from the search box when you click on the magnifying glass so all I got were the words I had previously searched for.
    But on the bright side, I think 10 lets you use even more finesse than 7 did in searches when you know where to look.

    Thanks again.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    You are welcome :)
      My Computer


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