Laptop doesn't boot after BIOS update

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  1. Posts : 27,383
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    Florius said:
    I have done it several times on my old ASUS laptop, and on my current and previous ASrock motherboard, without any problem.

    But this time it just went bad, and not sure how.
    Anyway, clearing CMOS isn't going to do anything, since I already used the restore to default option.

    EDIT: Cliff S, it is VERY old (floppy disk, really? ), but my laptop doesn't boot anything, not even a USB with Windows 10, or Linux Live or whatever.
    I just found the article and thought maybe it would help, or at least give you an idea/direction. I didn't even notice "floppy disk"(did they still exist in 2011?)Just so I understand, you can only boot into BIOS, and nothing else, correct?
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 550
    10 pro 64

    NavyLCDR said:
    Why would a desktop bios be any different?
    it's not but at least with a desktop you can change parts easier
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    I own a MSI MB so I am familiar with their Website. Looking at the BIOS version: MSI BIOS 1775IMS.10A
    Double check if your Laptop is: GS70 6QE Stealth Model.
    • If it is then on the RHS of the Laptop next to the USB port, there's a little hole. If your Laptop hangs, you can use a straightened paperclip to insert this hole and reset the notebook.

    • If it's not then you probably flash a wrong BIOS version.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 11
    Windows 10 x64
    Thread Starter

    I have contacted MSI, and they gave me another (newer) version of the BIOS, I flashed this one, and was able to enter Windows again, so this has fixed all the problems.
    It seems I did everything correct, but there was something wrong with the BIOS.

    Thank you guys for helping me solve the problem!
      My Computer


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