How do you pin the control panel to the start menu?

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  1. Posts : 73

    How do you pin the control panel to the start menu?

    I find the control panel is a bit awkward to find and usually just luck that I find it on advanced setting for something to other. Is there any way to have the full control panel (not that settings nonsense) on the start menu, pin or otherwise?

    I can pin it to the task bar if it's open, but I like a clean task bar, not cluttered with stuff that should be in the start menu.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 463
    Windows 10 Home and Pro

    open control panel. Right click it when it appears on the taskbar. pin it. done :)

    Ah nevermind, was responding to your thread subject. Wasn't so clear.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 73
    Thread Starter

    What other thread? this is nothing to do with the others, there's no option to pin to start menu, only task bar.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    vexorg said:
    I find the control panel is a bit awkward to find and usually just luck that I find it on advanced setting for something to other. Is there any way to have the full control panel (not that settings nonsense) on the start menu, pin or otherwise?

    I can pin it to the task bar if it's open, but I like a clean task bar, not cluttered with stuff that should be in the start menu.
    Right click menu on Start button has shortcut to Control Panel.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 5,477

    You could create a shortcut with target %windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{5399E694-6CE5-4D6C-8FCE-1D8870FDCBA0} and pin that to start. CLSID Key (GUID) Shortcuts List for Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums

    You might be interested in this also which puts all the control panel items on one screen Control Panel All Tasks Shortcut - Create in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 27,400
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    The only way I found just now after trying different things(right click in system32, right click in drop down menu in the control panel...etc.) was use the desktop tool bar in the taskbar >> go to control panel(not the direct link, but the one with the cascading menu) then right click on "All control panel items" pin to start.

    How do you pin the control panel to the start menu?-image-001.png

    How do you pin the control panel to the start menu?-image-002.png
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 27,400
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    CountMike said:
    Right click menu on Start button has shortcut to Control Panel.
    after I got done trying different things, finding a way, posting the answer, refreshing the page... I see your answer(which solution which I totally forgot about) then can kick myself in the baconHow do you pin the control panel to the start menu?-kickedbutt_md.gif

    Good one Mike
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 73
    Thread Starter

    CountMike said:
    Right click menu on Start button has shortcut to Control Panel.
    Perfect, that's fine for me. Odd that they have different options for the start button and right click. I'm sure Bill Gates does it to annoy us.

    It's a really handy list on the right click, all the bits I usually need. Thanks.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    I also change Command prompt to Power Shell.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 5,749
    insider build 10586.3 win10 pro 64

    vexorg said:
    Perfect, that's fine for me. Odd that they have different options for the start button and right click. I'm sure Bill Gates does it to annoy us.

    It's a really handy list on the right click, all the bits I usually need. Thanks.
    cant blame it on Bill no more ,he doesn't work at Microsoft anymore ,lol
      My Computer


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