Language input option has reappeared beside clock after updates

  1. Posts : 73

    Language input option has reappeared beside clock after updates

    I've got the option to select put language again after the last update. I usually delete them all except UK, and the control panel only shows UK as installed. But the "ENG" option beside the clock lists UK and US options.

    How do I get rid of the US option? and how to get rid of the language option "ENG" from the task bar?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 73
    Thread Starter


    Showing a US keyboard suddenly

    Nothing in settings:

    Or advanced settings:

    I already removed the non-UK junk, and switched off the language setting in the system tray.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 73
    Thread Starter

    And now it vanished after a reboot today. Self fixing bugs are great. iTunes also died before the reboot and refused to run, all fixed by the reboot.
      My Computer


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