Dual Boot Scenario - Would this work?

  1. Posts : 22
    Win10 (upgrade from Win7)

    Dual Boot Scenario - Would this work?

    I’m running an upgraded Win10 (from Win7) and am pretty happy with it now – except for one device not working (Prolific USB to Serial adapter) which I only use occasionally.

    So I was wondering if this would be feasible….create a dual boot scenario and roll one back to Win7. Would this process work?

    1. My upgraded version of Win10 has all my existing applications etc. installed, with a disk image of that partition having been saved using Macrium Reflect. Let’s call this W10U

    2. Now create a clean install of Win10 on a second partition – lets call it W10C

    So now I would have a DualBoot option to start either in the W10U or W10C versions

    Now for the bit I’m not sure would work…

    3. Could I then overwrite the partition containing the clean W10C with the image of the W10U.
    Would the Windows10 DualBoot selection at startup know/care that the Window10 partition it was actually booting into had changed? Or would it happily boot into the Windows10 in that partition?

    4. Then roll back this W10U to the original Windows7 version.

    So I would now have the DualBoot option to start in either W10U or Win7, with all my existing programs available in both.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 9,810
    Mac OS Catalina

    The biggest issue with Dual Boot with Windows 10, is that it can cause your Windows 7 partition to become corrupt at some point. What you really need to do is if this is a desktop, get a Serial card. If it is a laptop, get a better compatible USB Serial adapter with up to date drivers.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    It's doable (with bro's caution) but a small problem with licensing. You can't legally run both W7 after upgrading it to W10 and W10. What you can do is to return to W7 and in another partition (another disk would be even better) run Insider version of W10.
    Insider version, right now it's 10565, is very stable and no problem to use as main OS.
      My Computers


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