Question about W10 Image.

  1. Posts : 100
    Windows 10 64

    Question about W10 Image.

    I usually back up my current system by making an image on another disk.

    I just did that, and thought I wonder if anyone's tested it for reliability. I mean is it still working as intended in W10 64?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    It still works in Windows 10 as good as it always has in the past. And Macrium Reflect Free continues to be better, as it always has in the past.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 100
    Windows 10 64
    Thread Starter

    NavyLCDR said:
    It still works in Windows 10 as good as it always has in the past. And Macrium Reflect Free continues to be better, as it always has in the past.

    How can you get better than a 100% image reproduction?

    Just wondering. I mean it's always worked well for me and been great for recovering systems.

    (Edit!) Ok just went and investigated. Why pay for software when the W1064 software is working fine for free.. ? I mean there it is decision made for me :) Cheers for the answer though.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    SoxmisUK said:
    Edit!) Ok just went and investigated. Why pay for software when the W1064 software is working fine for free.. ? I mean there it is decision made for me :) Cheers for the answer though.
    Macrium Reflect Free is free, hence the third word in the name.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 100
    Windows 10 64
    Thread Starter

    NavyLCDR said:
    Macrium Reflect Free is free, hence the third word in the name.
    So do you have a vested interest in this company then? You do seem very particular about me getting that right.

    No doubt there's a Free version somewhere.. So keep your hat on.

    Been full of bugs though lately hasn't it? Bit scary when you consider that W10's own image making works fine. (By your own admission..) All I could find was references to a 30 day trial of Macrium Reflect and a pretty long history of bugs which is fine for any developing software I guess, and yes they do seem to be fixing them (alledgedly..) but I do prefer not running across bugs when I'm restoring an image of my disk, don't you?

    I shan't be checking it out any further thank you.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    Put it this way. I don't know a single person who has used both Macrium Reflect Free and built in windows imaging that will say that built in windows imaging is better, although some will say windows imaging is easier because it has less options - and less capability. Is it good enough for some people? Yes.

    I have used Macrium Reflect Free for years from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and never had it fail and never found a bug in it.

    Anyway, I suppose you got your answer - Windows imaging works just as well in Windows 10 as it always has.
      My Computer


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