Why does Win 10 have "programs and appz"?

  1. Posts : 23
    Windows 10 Technical Preview

    Why does Win 10 have "programs and appz"?

    When I first installed Win 10, I found this whole programs and appz thing confusing. I've always thought the two words were synonymous. A button for the weather or the news isn't an app, it's a link. I had to install Classic Shell so I could unclutter this thing and finally make sense of it. God I miss XP.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 56,997
    Multi-boot Windows 10/11 - RTM, RP, Beta, and Insider

    jacatone said:
    When I first installed Win 10, I found this whole programs and appz thing confusing. I've always thought the two words were synonymous. A button for the weather or the news isn't an app, it's a link. I had to install Classic Shell so I could unclutter this thing and finally make sense of it. God I miss XP.
    Apps are from the Windows Store. Programs are Win32 that you get and install independently, commonly referred to as Desktop Apps. Like Ccleaner, Avast, Malwarebytes, AVG. Any other prog you download from a third party and install. You can pin them to the Start Menu, or as you have use Classic Shell. It's a blend of MS supplied, and sponsored, applications and your choice of other programs. XP is history.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    You can also unpin or uninstall all those APPs and have just alphabetized menu.
      My Computers


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