Surface 3 Questions

  1. Posts : 103
    Windows 10

    Surface 3 Questions

    I'm thinking of picking up a Surface 3 for word processing, email, web browsing, Spotify, and watching videos (Netflix, Plex, etc.) I don't anticipate multitasking much or doing anything graphic intensive, the main purpose of this unit is to write, proofread, and be able to highlight errors in documents using the stylus. I know the 4GB RAM version is only $100 more, but am I going to see a marked improvement for the little I'll be doing?

    Second question: a friend who has the Surface 3 with Windows 8.1 installed mentioned he couldn't install Firefox and he was having problems with Chrome. Has anyone else experienced browser problems? I plan to be using Windows 10 on the Surface, and while I like Edge do prefer Chrome. Is there any other software that doesn't work with Surface, or is he a rare exception?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5
    Windows 10

    Programs will launch much faster with 4GB. The 64GB fills up very quickly particularly when carrying videos. I don't remember how much space is free on the 64BG but installing Office and several other apps, doesn't leave much room. I have the 128 GB / 4GB Ram model and have been very happy with performance and available storage.

    I have had no problems with firefox on Surface 3. I've not tried chrome but several discussions state that chrome is very resource hungry - grabbing most of memory and continuing to grow as it is used. Google has promised to fix the memory issues but so far people are still complaining.
      My Computer


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