Program icon randomly changing to White icons.

  1. Posts : 25

    Program icon randomly changing to White icons.

    Some of my program shortcuts have changed to white file icon pictures. the shortcut still works just fine but they just missing the icon... when i load a new icon in the place of the old one i get a little shield on half the icon... no idea what that is ether. Ive had this problem before with one shortcut but now it some how fixed it self. i have no idea what this is from or why its doing this.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 25
    Thread Starter

    I just re-download all the programs and installed them again.. icon where 100% there one i moved them into doc folder. after closing the folder and reopening it i lost the icons again... here a pic to help.

    Program icon  randomly changing to White icons.-iconprob23.jpg

    No idea why they are missing but each one of the icon has a that UAC shield on them if that helps at all.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 25
    Thread Starter

    Bump. had this problem for a while now... did i clean reinstall of all apps and windows... still came back. any idea?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 67
    Win10 Pro x64

    sounds like your icon cache database may be corrupt.
    sometimes pressing F5 (refresh) with your desktop focused can resolve the issue.
    the other method >
      My Computer


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