New Monitor -> Windows Startup not showing anymore

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  1. Posts : 22
    Thread Starter


    I tried the uninstall graphic card option in device manager.. the monitor just went black, i restarted computer and the graphic card installed again and the screen shown again but the problem about the second non existing monitor did not change..
    I actually dont know if i should even uninstall the graphic driver completely because i fear that i wont be able to see the monitor screen again, you know what i mean? i really feel like iam out of option, i cant even clean install windows i think, because i cant access the bios etc. Ill check your answers this evening when iam back..
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 15,219
    Windows 10 IoT

    If you uninstall the graphics driver Windows will just use the basic VGA driver. The same one it uses during the install so you can see what your doing. I can understand you not wanting to do it though. Something is up with the video card, it thinks there is two monitors connected. What connections does it have? Can you connect the new monitor to where the old one was, even just temporarily for a test?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 22
    Thread Starter

    Guess the normal connections mini hdmi dvi i got the BenQ 2411z and GeForce 980 Palit superjetstream, ill try later to only connect the New Monitor to the hdmi where the old one was but i want the dvi Connection anyway for 144hz.
    Last edited by Rainx; 11 Oct 2015 at 11:18.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 22
    Thread Starter

    Plugging in the new monitor with the hdmi the old monitor was connected before did not change anything same problem as before.. guess ill backup my stuff and uninstall the graphic driver completely, i dont think it is the graphic card which produces the problem, i think its windows itself somehow..
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 375

    Rainx said:
    Plugging in the new monitor with the hdmi the old monitor was connected before did not change anything same problem as before.. guess ill backup my stuff and uninstall the graphic driver completely, i dont think it is the graphic card which produces the problem, i think its windows itself somehow..
    I'd be looking in the Bios or the monitors settings itself. In your first post you said you couldn't access the Bios. It might be something as simple as enabling Plug n' play in the Bios. You should be able to get in the Bios just by repeatedly tapping the default key Del F2 or whatever it is as soon as it powers on.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 15,219
    Windows 10 IoT

    I think he can get in, he just can't see it on screen. The POST is showing on the non existent phantom monitor. He doesn't see anything on screen until the boot screen shows up. I run triple monitors. I have no control on which monitor the POST screen and BIOS menu shows on. The Video card decides that. What monitor it displays on depends on how many monitors I plug in and what ports I plug them into. It's hard wired into the Video card firmware.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 22
    Thread Starter

    actually i tried everything
    i tried to uninstall graphic driver, as always monitor turned black and after restart it returned problem still occures.
    i tied to load windows backup but it failed for what reason ever

    now iam trying to install windows 10 anew but i guess it will f*** up my pc completely and the monitor will just stay black
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 131
    Windows 10

    Here's what's worked for me. I also run a 3 monitor system. I have my oldest monitor connected to my internal graphics. It doesn't interfere with my gtx970 and always seems to work. That's also where my post screen shows up. In the past I've had drivers for the 970 fail but I could use the monitor attached to the internal card to navigate and fix it. My system is set up so that I see separate screens on each monitor as well. I play my games on my main monitor and usually have my email up on the second. I just put the shortcuts that need on the third. That keeps my main monitor clear with only the task bar showing.

    What I've done in the past is remove the NVidia drivers, and actually remove my 970 and boot the system without it. After it boots, I shut it down and reinstall the 970 and navigate to the Nvidia site for the correct driver. Once it's installed my other two monitors are up and run fine.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 22
    Thread Starter

    actually i gave up, not even windows new installation worked somehow guess it is a sign.

    i already tried to plug it into motherboard graphics but didnt work whatever..

    ill just wait maybe the problem will get fixxed automatically :)

    i dont have the nerves to unplug the graphiccard now but guess thats the last possibility that could fix it maybe someday..

    but thanks for your help guys

    edit: i unplugged my graphic card and connected the monitor with motherboard... no problem only 1 monitor shown
    replugged my graphiccard and installed drivers same problem as before wtf??
    seems my motherboard is actually the problem and not the graphic card maybe?
    Last edited by Rainx; 12 Oct 2015 at 14:59.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 15,219
    Windows 10 IoT

    My motherboard onboard video will not work if I have a dedicated card plugged in. It's one or the other but not both. I have to remove my GT 640 to get the onboard to work. It's only newer motherboards that will use both. I think its your Video card that's doing it. That's my gut feeling anyway. If it was Windows, reinstalling windows should fix it. Wish I had another suggestion but I don't. Moving your current monitor to another port (the one with the phantom monitor on it) should get your BIOS screen to display. If you need to access your BIOS.
      My Computer


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