fixing problems

  1. Posts : 18
    Windows10/ W 8.1 / W 7

    fixing problems

    Hi all
    Many of us have told and send their problems about windows 10547 to MS and I do not understand why Microsoft keeps asking for feedback if they are not fixing stuff. I do think that the "FEEDBACK" is a waste of time or has anyone actually got their problem seen to?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    qldaussie said:
    Hi all
    Many of us have told and send their problems about windows 10547 to MS and I do not understand why Microsoft keeps asking for feedback if they are not fixing stuff. I do think that the "FEEDBACK" is a waste of time or has anyone actually got their problem seen to?
    I suspect that they are and in the next several builds some of the key issues will be addressed. Keep in mind that not all the suggestions in the feedback are critical enough for MS to address.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    Have to have patience with those things, such a large machinery like MS can't react immediately to just anything. Many, even smallest changes can result in other changes/problems not apparent to everybody.
    Beta testers always had a way to report problems or make suggestions but with W10, MS elected to make it more public, (OS testing that is) and so make much wider audience and base for collecting data from many more sources.
    Furthermore, even smaller companies must have long time path in developing their product/s and can't deviate much from it on every whim and have to carefully evaluate every change.
    I have been in top part of company management (production and product developing) for may years and had occasionally to reject some customer's requests for product changes, even from largest customers, because it would not be good for product itself and so for my company and in few cases for whole industry (car and truck brakes).
      My Computers


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