The most ridiculous Windows after WinME and Vista

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  1. Posts : 35
    Windows 10
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    Personalisation seems as a bug for me too Loooool
    Anyway, you're talking about themes here (which is downloaded and I don't have it), but I'm talking about changing Desktop background simply as in previous Windows which is missing here in 10.. It's not removed in 10 because you can reach it still with "control /name Microsoft.Personalization /page pageWallpaper" command but it's missing in GUI. Copy and paste that in RUN and I'm pretty sure you will know what I'm talking about exactly

    Kari said:
    Yes, of course I am using Windows 10, I see no reason not to use this best ever OS. It seems that you have some issues in understanding simple stuff, maybe Windows 10 is a bit beyond your capabilities?
    (Before you say something about S instead of Z, I have the UK English Windows 10 meaning it's Personalisation for me instead of Personalization.)

    Nice Panoramic (dual display) themes for Windows 10: Themes - Microsoft Windows
    Last edited by KasperKyd; 09 Oct 2015 at 17:11.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 35
    Windows 10
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    And they still blame my drivers which are all updated from manufacturers LOL

    larc919 said:
    If Microsoft never did anything wrong, they wouldn't need to issue so many updates. The limited problems I have with 10 are essentially the same on 3 boxes and a laptop, with different hardware and mostly different software.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 463
    Windows 10 Home and Pro

    larc919 said:
    If Microsoft never did anything wrong, they wouldn't need to issue so many updates. The limited problems I have with 10 are essentially the same on 3 boxes and a laptop, with different hardware and mostly different software.

    Careful, mate. You're implying that I said or implied that Microsoft never does anything wrong. That is a discrediting statement, and one I never made
    Last edited by DustSailor; 09 Oct 2015 at 16:20. Reason: Wrong quote (lol), correcting grammar
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 35
    Windows 10
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    Then Microsoft shouldn't call it an upgrade and just release it as clean installation version. And it would be better for them to keep it for little longer instead of giving you the 6 weeks fixing. Anyway wasn't my subject, all I wanted is Microsoft to listen and fix not to come with silly solutions and act with us like we've using Windows yesterday.

    OldMike65 said:
    Ok Dusty, you beat me on the reply:) I was going to ask him if he has done a Clean install yet myself. I didn't right away myself, and tried fixing the problems I was having without doing a clean install, Mainly because of all my registered apps that I would have to re-install, and finding all their keys that I would need to activate each app. I did almost get windows 10 running pretty well after spending weeks tweaking things, changing drivers, and lots of other changes, spent about 5 to 6 weeks doing this. I am stubborn.
    Finally even thou I had my windows running pretty well, it still had a few bugs that I couldn't fix, no matter what I tried. I ended up doing a clean install and my Windows 10 Pro, has been running the BEST I've seen in weeks!!! I didn't want to give in, but a lot of your guys kept telling me if I did a clean install my computer would run a lot better, and know what.... You guys were RIGHT!!!
    Maybe some computers can get away with just updating your computer, but I do think now, doing a clean install is the BEST way to actually see just how good Windows 10 can run on your computer, no matter if its 7 years old, or 1 year old. Clean install AFTER your computer is activated, is the BEST way to go. Sooner or later, you'll have to accept this Windows 10 is gonna be the last OS Microsoft releases for a very long time, might as well jump on the bus now. :) All the bitching won't help, trust me I know.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,625
    W7 Pro x64 | W10 IP x64 | Linux Mint VM

    KasperKyd said:
    Anyway, you're talking about themes here (which is downloaded and I don't have it), but I'm talking about changing Desktop background simply as in previous Windows which is missing here in 10.. It's not removed in 10 because you can reach it still with "control /name Microsoft.Personalization /page pageWallpaper" command but it's missing in GUI. Try that and I'm pretty sure you will know what I'm talking about exactly
    No it's not. I have no idea what you're talking about.

    The most ridiculous Windows after WinME and Vista-wallpapers-1.jpg
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    KasperKyd said:
    Anyway wasn't my subject, all I wanted is Microsoft to listen and fix not to come with silly solutions and act with us like we've using Windows yesterday.
    Have you communicated with Microsoft about it?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 35
    Windows 10
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    Yep me and a lot others with same delayed login and lockin' and they are just stuck to "update your drivers" like machines

    NavyLCDR said:
    Have you communicated with Microsoft about it?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 463
    Windows 10 Home and Pro

    Perhaps it is because I had the same problem, I updated my drivers, and the problem disappeared. Logins are fast now. Likely you have an older computer
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 35
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I'm talking about this window here

    The most ridiculous Windows after WinME and Vista-untitled-1.jpg

    Boozad said:
    No it's not. I have no idea what you're talking about.

    The most ridiculous Windows after WinME and Vista-wallpapers-1.jpg
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,625
    W7 Pro x64 | W10 IP x64 | Linux Mint VM

    You said 'changing desktop background simply' is missing in Windows 10, and in the GUI. It's not.
      My Computer


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