Windows 10 Privacy issues please help me understand

  1. Posts : 8
    windows 7 Ultimate

    Windows 10 Privacy issues please help me understand

    I read the 12,000 words agreement which told me that without a warant or any court order that Microsoft under there own rules, since they do not infringe on indiviuals rights as they are a corporation, can do what the wish with all ans any data on my computer inclind reading my private files. In one statement they say this. I used Vmware to install and after a thorough search found a very sad and scary situation.. I chose from experience to not to use the express intall and even afte going though many many setting I found it still gave up some data.. I used gpedit.msc to remove other programs and regedit other and disabled others and so maybe just maybe I have some priiacy, Can and will other senior mambers of this forum give me their views on this, in my view intrusive behaviour. Is the forum going to present tutorials on preventing this privacy intrusion so that forum members do not have genreal 'keylogging collection problems and many many other data collection issues' which MSoft can and still do collect, so that as genral public we are assured at all times of our own privacy etc.. How can I make this happen? Thank you
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 347
    Windows 10 Pro
      My Computer


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