Can you make Dutch "Rekenmachine" respond to "calc" as well?

  1. Posts : 21
    Windows 10

    Can you make Dutch "Rekenmachine" respond to "calc" as well?

    I am using a Dutch version of Windows 10. All previous Windows versions I could type "calc" in the start menu and it would show the calculator.

    However this doesn't work in Windows 10 (Dutch) version. They thought it was a good idea to change calculator to the Dutch word for it "rekenmachine", so every time (happens a lot) I type "calc" calculator doesn't show up. Therefor I have to retype it, but this time with "rekenm...."

    Is there a way to also add "calc" to "Rekenmachine/Calculator" so it will also show it in my start menu? Yeah, it's not a big issue, but it's rather annoying. All my previous Windows versions (including Dutch!) worked with "calc". So imagine I use the calculator many times a day.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 193
    Windows 10 Pro

    Why not just pin the file to the taskbar or to the start menu and one mouse click will then open it.
    Or create a shortcut to the executable and within the shortcut create a keyboard key combination to activate it?
    Either of those options would be even easier than typing the work 'calc'
    Last edited by Kanata; 07 Oct 2015 at 07:50.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 21
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Kanata said:
    Why not just pin the file to the taskbar or to the start menu and one mouse click will then open it.
    Or create a shortcut to the executable and within the shortcut create a keyboard key combination to activate it?
    Either of those options would be even easier than typing the work 'calc'
    Because I have used this method for years. That's why I want to keep using it this way. Any other way will need me to relearn it.

    Every single time I now type 'calc' in the Start Menu it opens some kind of document. Which I need to close and then retype "rekenmachine...".

    I am just looking for a way to make it possible so if I type "calc" it will open rekenmachine (calculator) instead. TY.


    Nevermind. Created a shortcut of calculator and placed it in my start menu als calc. Now when I type it, it opens calculator.

    Problem solved (sorta).
      My Computer


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