Different Library Icons In Explorer Navigation Panel?

  1. Posts : 25
    Windows 10

    Different Library Icons In Explorer Navigation Panel?

    I'm wondering why there is seemingly many versions of library icons in the navigation panel of windows explorer, 2 of my computers use different explorer icons and I cannot change them in any way.
    PC breaking problem, I know, but I'm curious, can I change them without some registry-touching tool, and what defines the icon they get? All of my computers are windows 8.1 upgrades, so confused why they would get different icon images. Is it a Home vs. Pro thing or...?
    I'm talking about the different thumbnails in the navigation panel for Documents, Downloads, etc., Even ThisPC, Network, OneDrive, they all have a different looking icon than the other windows Explorers I see, both fully updated Windows 10.
    The libraries in the first one's panel are in folders, and the Network and This PC icons face at an angle.
    The libraries in the second panel have dedicated icons, and the ThisPC and Network,etc. are all 2D perspective icons facing forward.
    It's baffled me since I upgraded, kinda want to know why this is, Thanks to all that post!

    Here's an image comparison since you're probably confused:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Different Library Icons In Explorer Navigation Panel?-file-explorer-one-drive-sidebar.png   Different Library Icons In Explorer Navigation Panel?-windows_10_file_explorer_quick_access_home_view.png  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6
    Windows 10 Pro

    I know this post is several months old but I just noticed the exact same thing with two of my computers. The computer with Windows 10 Pro has icons in folders like the top picture. The one with regular Windows 10 looks like the bottom picture. Did you ever figure out if it was related to Windows 10 Pro vs Home or something else?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 6
    Windows 10 Pro

    Crazy but I just figured out why this happens in case anyone else is wondering in the future. The icons change to folders if you change the scaling to something other than the default 100%. The scaling is adjusted in the display settings under "Change the size of text, apps, and other items:" When I set it to 100%, I had just icons in the sidebar, when I turned it up to 125% they changed to folder icons.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    sopey15 said:
    Crazy but I just figured out why this happens in case anyone else is wondering in the future. The icons change to folders if you change the scaling to something other than the default 100%. The scaling is adjusted in the display settings under "Change the size of text, apps, and other items:" When I set it to 100%, I had just icons in the sidebar, when I turned it up to 125% they changed to folder icons.

    Thank you very much for this response!!!

    For the past two weeks I have had two identical systems running Win 10 Pro with one at 100% and the other at 125% in display scaling and could not figure out why the icons were different.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 6
    Windows 10 Pro

    Tgrds said:

    Thank you very much for this response!!!

    For the past two weeks I have had two identical systems running Win 10 Pro with one at 100% and the other at 125% in display scaling and could not figure out why the icons were different.
    No problem, I'm glad my post helped somebody solve their problem.
      My Computer


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