System thread exception not handled windows 10, after upgrade from 8.1

  1. Posts : 1
    Win 10

    System thread exception not handled windows 10, after upgrade from 8.1


    Need help here,

    Today i've upgraded win 8.1 on my laptop Acer 5738DG to win10
    Whole installation passed w/o issues and upon finalization of installation lappy shutdown itself and each boot end with BSOD "system thread exception not handled".
    Even when i'm trying to start clean install from boot-usb it wont load installation but always end up with BSOD.
    Is there any way to fix that ??

    Best regards
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,428
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, as I understand it you're stuck in a failed automatic repair loop.

    First we'll assume your disk and installation is good, and you should be able to boot.

    Try this. (You need to remove your battery too).

    Shut down. (Force shut down if necessary).
    Now power up, and as soon as you can (ideally before disk access) pull out the power cord/dis. power.
    Now press and hold the power button on your laptop for 20-30s.
    Now try booting up as normal.

    That's what works for me and worked in Win 8 too should I end up in a bad shut down (e.g. thermal cutout).

    Second, if the boot fails, then you need to try basic maintenance.
    Booting from the USB disk, navigate to the command prompt and run chkdsk <drive> /F, then sfc /scannow.
    If that's clear, try booting normally.

    Post back the results.
      My Computers


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