How do I extend the desktop when using dual monitors?

  1. Posts : 169
    windows 10

    How do I extend the desktop when using dual monitors?

    What I would like to do is to Connect Two Monitors to my Computer (which I have already done)

    But how do I display different Content on each Monitor.

    As an example, I would like one Monitor to display my email all the time while using the other Monitor for normal Surfing

    Is this possible?

    If so how do I do it?

    I have no idea how to do this so non Tech instructions would be appreciated.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    Cyberdesigner said:
    What I would like to do is to Connect Two Monitors to my Computer (which I have already done)

    But how do I display different Content on each Monitor.

    As an example, I would like one Monitor to display my email all the time while using the other Monitor for normal Surfing

    Is this possible?

    If so how do I do it?

    I have no idea how to do this so non Tech instructions would be appreciated.
    How do I extend the desktop when using dual monitors?-000026.png
      My Computer


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