Win7 start menu search keywords no longer work in Windows 10?

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10 Pro

    Win7 start menu search keywords no longer work in Windows 10?

    I'm an IT Pro and been using Windows 10 for a while now but I just had to join this forum to ask at least this perhaps dumb question:

    In Windows 7 I used to be able to type into the start menu search field the word "close" and the first result was something like "change what happens when I close the lid of my computer."

    This is just one example of keywords I used to use to find things in the old Windows 7 control panel.

    Do i have to teach myself all new keywords?

    Later I discovered this keyword will work when I search only in Control Panel, but that is not as easy as it used to be. Oh and I did turn off Cortana and web search.

    Thanks for any advice.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4
    Windows 10

    Well, I have been tinkering with windows since 95 when I was a kid, so I hope my advice helps. Microsoft will on new OS platforms change keywords and also change file structure to a seemingly more fluent manner. However, when it comes to the 'run' search box in the old start menu, it is not present in the new start menu. I recently found out though that one can simply press the 'windows key+R' to bring up the run dialogue box, though not sure if it was the same combo of buttons in previous versions or not. Anyway, when you bring up the run box with the two buttons previously mentioned, searching there should utilize the same keywords and therefore should give the same or similar results. As always, if you find a way around that does not take too many steps it might just be easier to do that than try to learn something new, but I have never used the 'run' feature of start menu very much so I am not familiar with the keyword search method of the OS or the results. Thanks for reading and as stated I hope this helps.
      My Computer


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