Does Windows 10 have the flyout Tablet PC Input Panel?

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  1. Posts : 1,366
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    My limited usage of Cortana has been very positive. What about Dragon Naturally Speaking?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 12
    Windows 8.1
    Thread Starter

    DeaconFrost said:
    My limited usage of Cortana has been very positive. What about Dragon Naturally Speaking?
    Yes, that was what I was thinking of (Dragon). Apparently you can speak directly into things like email and such. It's definitely a possibility for me. It'd be way better than handwriting recognition, which would often mess up in Win 7 despite training the component. There were many emails of mine which had embarrassing changes made by the program after I'd finish inputting a sentence that subsequently got sent in the changed form because I did not review the text. Some of them were important emails, too. I cringed.

    I owned a circa 1998 version of Dragon and it was great. Probably even better now given a good CPU and memory.

    I will look into Cortana, which I've heard about, but am not sure of its capabilities. Your suggestion that it may be quite capable is definitely worth lookin ino, especially because I would like to warm up to Win 10.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Obscure is very relative

    DeaconFrost said:
    I realize if you use an obscure feature that is later removed, you'll be unhappy, but the improvements in Windows 10 justify staying current. Every time there's a new release, people complain about changes. If nothing ever changed, we'd be using old technology and the OS would become so bloated and sluggish trying to accommodate everyone's wishes.
    What may be obscure to some is vital to others. As a doctor, the ability to write clear correct chart notes with an active stylus is a little more important than finger gestures (though I can think of one I would aim at Redmond) or flicks. The ability of Windows 7 TPI to hover over any text box and start writing accurately was invaluable to me and other doctors and professionals. My Motion Tablet with Windows 7 allowed me to interact directly with patients eye-eye while writing accurate HIPAA-compliant chart notes. With Windows 10 I see no way to do this, and the onscreen keyboard is not a viable option unless you type with 1 finger and about 10 words per minute. I guess I could play a game while someone else types on a standard workstation. So for a business user on the move that needs to input on a light tablet and not a laptop that needs to be set down for input, what options can there be now? Using Cortana or Dragon speech isn't exactly an answer when in the patient's room - "patient appears agitated and is showing signs of advanced dementia" writes much better than it is said aloud. Even if Cortana wasn't an actual keylogger that makes it not useful for government or healthcare anyway. So is there any options, no matter the price, that allows the active stylus input like in Windows 7? When support for Windows 7 goes, it will be non-compliant with healthcare software as an operating system. For now, while I use 10 at home, I guess I will have to use 7 at work. Am I missing something?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 12
    Windows 8.1
    Thread Starter

    DocV said:
    What may be obscure to some is vital to others. As a doctor, the ability to write clear correct chart notes with an active stylus is a little more important than finger gestures (though I can think of one I would aim at Redmond) or flicks. The ability of Windows 7 TPI to hover over any text box and start writing accurately was invaluable to me and other doctors and professionals. My Motion Tablet with Windows 7 allowed me to interact directly with patients eye-eye while writing accurate HIPAA-compliant chart notes. With Windows 10 I see no way to do this, and the onscreen keyboard is not a viable option unless you type with 1 finger and about 10 words per minute. I guess I could play a game while someone else types on a standard workstation. So for a business user on the move that needs to input on a light tablet and not a laptop that needs to be set down for input, what options can there be now? Using Cortana or Dragon speech isn't exactly an answer when in the patient's room - "patient appears agitated and is showing signs of advanced dementia" writes much better than it is said aloud. Even if Cortana wasn't an actual keylogger that makes it not useful for government or healthcare anyway. So is there any options, no matter the price, that allows the active stylus input like in Windows 7? When support for Windows 7 goes, it will be non-compliant with healthcare software as an operating system. For now, while I use 10 at home, I guess I will have to use 7 at work. Am I missing something?
    Well said. I would go as far as to say that absence of Tablet PC Input Panel makes Windows 10 a complete no-go. It was one of v7 best features and highly useful. I will be going back to Windows 7 within a few weeks. The feature was the opposite of obscure, for me and many others. Further, I see no features in Windows 10 that make it worth buying, for me at least.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3
    windows 7 and 8.1

    I fully agree that the Windows 7 Writing Input Panel was the best version. Windows 8.1 was a step down, and Windows 10 Writing Panel has been the worst so far.

    Like others have said, the Writing Panel is very important to me for my work. I also have to keep eye contact with my patients while I write, so I need a writing panel that is fast and accurate.

    The Yellow Windows 7 Writing to Text platform was the best version for me.

    Please consider adopting a Tablet PC Input Panel for writing that was like the Windows 7 version. Our work lifeblood depends on it!
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 12
    Windows 8.1
    Thread Starter

    okracer said:
    I fully agree that the Windows 7 Writing Input Panel was the best version. Windows 8.1 was a step down, and Windows 10 Writing Panel has been the worst so far.

    Like others have said, the Writing Panel is very important to me for my work. I also have to keep eye contact with my patients while I write, so I need a writing panel that is fast and accurate.

    The Yellow Windows 7 Writing to Text platform was the best version for me.

    Please consider adopting a Tablet PC Input Panel for writing that was like the Windows 7 version. Our work lifeblood depends on it!
    I agree. My experience with v7 Tablet PC Input Panel was crucial to everything I do. That is why v8., 8.1, 10 are a no-go. With my limited understanding, just through observation of resources used while using Win 7 and the Tablet PC Input Panel, is that it uses a lot of memory because of storing the recognition training. I don't know, but that feature is sorely missed.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3
    windows 7 and 8.1

    Shokan, there is still the handwriting recognition training in W8 and I think W10.

    Go to the Control Panel, click on "Language". see "English" and to the right side see the word "Options".

    Click the word "Options", then see at the bottom it says "personalize handwriting recognition", click it and start the tutorial like in Windows 7.

    I don't know why they made it so hard to find however.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 12
    Windows 8.1
    Thread Starter

    okracer said:
    Shokan, there is still the handwriting recognition training in W8 and I think W10.

    Go to the Control Panel, click on "Language". see "English" and to the right side see the word "Options".

    Click the word "Options", then see at the bottom it says "personalize handwriting recognition", click it and start the tutorial like in Windows 7.

    I don't know why they made it so hard to find however.
    But, where is the fly-out panel for input like in Win 7?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 3
    windows 7 and 8.1

    shokan said:
    But, where is the fly-out panel for input like in Win 7?

    It is the little Keyboard icon in the far lower right corner of the screen, just to the left of where the time and date are showing. Just click on it and it will open up the keyboard. Then if you want writing options, look at this youtube video to see the different things you can access. the writing option shows up at about 1:15 in the video.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 12
    Windows 8.1
    Thread Starter

    okracer said:
    It is the little Keyboard icon in the far lower right corner of the screen, just to the left of where the time and date are showing. Just click on it and it will open up the keyboard. Then if you want writing options, look at this youtube video to see the different things you can access. the writing option shows up at about 1:15 in the video.
    Thanks. No, comparison to Win 7 fly-out input panel. One of these days they'll figure out how to jam that flyout panel in again...
    until then Win 7 is the best OS they've ever come out with, IMO. Bunch of people cryin out for that after having used 8, 8.1. 10.

    edit: oh well, as I've said, back to 7.
    Last edited by shokan; 17 Nov 2015 at 21:57.
      My Computer


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