How do I find out what program is calling a .dll file on startup?

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10

    How do I find out what program is calling a .dll file on startup?

    My neice had a virus which I successfully cleaned out, but now every time I start up the laptop I get an error message that it couldn't load "C:\Users\her name\AppData\Local\Call Kit\CallKit.dll" and I am having a real trial with attempting t identify what program is calling for the absent .dll file. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,478

    You could download Autoruns for Windows

    It will tell you everything that is called on startup and from where.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 27,350
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    Bearded Dan said:
    My neice had a virus which I successfully cleaned out, but now every time I start up the laptop I get an error message that it couldn't load "C:\Users\her name\AppData\Local\Call Kit\CallKit.dll" and I am having a real trial with attempting t identify what program is calling for the absent .dll file. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
    You could unregister the .dll if you want, here is how:

    Unregister and Re-register a.. .dll or .ocx file and delete them

    One has to be careful with dll files in case they are shared. try renaming it first from ProgramName.dll to ProgramName.old-- and run your system awhile to see if you get any warnings first, especially at boot up. Then when no problems appear or crashes show up in Reliability History(in the Action Center) then you can unregister the dll.

    Open an Admin command prompt by right clicking the windows icon and choose it.

    For the path name you can use drag and drop in windows 8 by opening file explorer and dragging the dll to the command prompt after you type regsvr32 /u"
    For example:
    regsvr32 /u "C:\Windows\System32\amdmantle64.dll" (this is for an AMD ´graphics dll)
    forget the quotes

    Registering a dll file

    To register a dll or ocx file, open a command prompt windows as an administrator, type the following and hit Enter: regsvr32 “path & filename of dll or ocx“

    Unregistering a dll file:

    To un-register a dll or ocx file, open a command prompt windows as an administrator, type the following and hit Enter:
    regsvr32 /u “path & filename of dll or ocx“

    This will register or unregister the dll file.

      My Computers

  4. Posts : 2
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    halasz said:
    You could download Autoruns for Windows

    It will tell you everything that is called on startup and from where.
    Thanks a million halasz - That program is the bomb! Wish I had it for the last 5 years or so, would have sped up quite a few repairs!

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5,478

    You're welcome :)
      My Computer


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