Windows 10 installed without permission!

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  1. Posts : 463
    Windows 10 Home and Pro

    The problem though, is not with it happening automatically, but accidentally. I did this myself just yesterday. It happens in the Windows update, you think you're installing updates, but if you read it, it says Windows 10 upgrade. You have to select the button that says something like view other updates or such. It CANNOT happen automatically. I swear, it is only people saying that because they believe that is what happened because they don't realize they selected the upgrade option by accident. A mis-click, nothing more. Notice NO ONE can replicate the issue with images to prove it, other than when the computer boots up it says installing 10. They don't show the beginning when they clicked the upgrade icon or in the update center.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 463
    Windows 10 Home and Pro

    See the show all available updates on the bottom? This computer was reserved, but you can upgrade without reserving in the same window.. if you click the upgrade button first:
    Windows 10 installed without permission!-windows-10-reserved-windows-update.gif
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 463
    Windows 10 Home and Pro

    I found it. If you click get started... you get 10:
    Windows 10 installed without permission!-windows-10-upgrade.jpg
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 139
    Tried 10 Returned to 8.1

    There will be legal action against Microsoft regarding this forced download/upgrade issue. I know of at least one investigation that is currently in progress.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Professional

    Windows 10 installed without permission

    Beware: ►Here's something you should know about: ►Today, Microsoft installed Windows 10 on my wife's computer without her approval. It might magically happen to you — if your operating system is Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.

    So far, there don't appear to be any major hiccups — just mainly the confusion because many things now are in different places. My research told me that one older, very expensive program that my wife uses (Adobe PageMaker 7) and likes might or might not work in Windows 10. It looks as though it may. We didn't want to be forced into buying and changing to another editing/publishing software for her computer.

    I've been researching and debating whether to install Windows 10, but I've been pleased overall with the performance of Windows 7 Pro and a little leery of making a change just because I can do so for free.

    Should I or shouldn't I? I'm going to be watching Mary's experiences closely (and listening for screams of anguish). I hope I can decide on this for myself without Microsoft pushing it on me without a choice.

    If I choose to upgrade to 10, I intend to backup all my files first and backup a system image of Windows 7 as it is at that time. Then I understand you can go back to using your previous operating system version.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 49
    Windows 7

    I am hearing of at least 2 cases per day of unintended, unwanted upgrades from my clients. These are people who do not want it, have declined prompts to upgrade and would not even know how to get to Windows Update controls. While it may be theoretically impossible, the reality is different.

    Edit: Just had a call from the community library. Their catalog machine installed automatic updates on the 16th and they found themselves upgraded. Oddly enough, the library was closed on the 16th (Monday) and the two days preceding and the default user account does not have administrative privileges.
    Last edited by MrWhoopee; 21 May 2016 at 14:01.
      My Computer


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