Windows 10 upgrade worked - but programs believe they are on Windows 8

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  1. Posts : 5,477

    Get-WmiObject works (it always returns "XP" or "7" or "8" or "10")

    Looking at that specific reg key obviously gives the wrong answer ("6.3" for a clean install of 10 pro).

    I think I'd go for something that gave the correct rather than the wrong answer (unless there is some special programmer logic going on here that I don't understand).

    edit, I am a programmer - just not a very good one.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 609
    Thread Starter

    halasz said:
    I think I'd go for something that gave the correct rather than the wrong answer
    Yes, yes, that's one devilishly good idea.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5,477

    Joergi said:
    Yes, yes, that's one devilishly good idea.
    I think perhaps you missed the "I'm not a very good programmer " bit....
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 609
    Thread Starter

    halasz said:
    I think perhaps you missed the "I'm not a very good programmer " bit....
    No, I didn't. I was and still am totally aware of it.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 191
    Windows 10 Home 64 bit

    Some software will still report it is running on 8 or 8.1. It's nothing to worry about if everything works. They just need to update their programs.
      My Computer


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