2 Identical HP Systems Upgraded to 10, 1 Has 10 Pro, 1 Has 10 Home?

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  1. Posts : 20
    Windows 10

    2 Identical HP Systems Upgraded to 10, 1 Has 10 Pro, 1 Has 10 Home?

    Hello. A relative of mine as well as myself have identical HP Envy 810-430QE desktop computers that were both purchased from Costco.

    My relative purchased their HP system towards the end of 2014, and of course they were using it with Windows 8.1 64 bit for quite a few months until the free upgrade to Windows 10 became available during this past summer.

    I recently purchased the same system and received it last week. Since Windows 10 was already available, the first thing I did before anything else was to install the Windows 10 upgrade. I chose to delete everything and save nothing during the installation, as there was the option where I could have saved settings an applications. However, I elected not to, because I prefer a much leaner installation without all of the HP bundled software.

    What I notice is, my system has Windows 10 PRO 64 bit, while my relative's system has Windows 10 HOME 64 bit.

    Why do we have two different versions of Windows 10? Is there any way I can get Windows 10 PRO on their system just as I was able to get it on my system? Both systems are totally legit and are the operating systems are fully activated, as verified in control panel > system. However, my relative's system was upgraded through Windows Update, whereas I upgraded my system through Microsoft's Windows 10 media creation tool.

    Thanks you in advance.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 15,230
    Windows 10 IoT

    What version of 10 you get depends on what version of Windows you were running when you did the free upgrade. For example Windows 8.1 gets you 10 Home, but 8.1 Pro gets you 10 Pro. Look under "What edition will I get..." here, https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/windows-10-faq
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 20
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Both systems were definitely running Windows 8.1 when they were shipped, and as far as I know, both systems were also running the Home edition of 8.1 as well. These were not business machines. Which is why I am confused about how I was able to get Windows 10 Pro in my upgrade.

    As I said both of these HP systems are identical and were ordered from the exact same place. Same model and everything else. I just ordered my system about 9 months later, right before a sale ended. And I do not believe they are selling this system anymore.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 15,230
    Windows 10 IoT

    How did you do the upgrade on your PC? Did you use the "Upgrade this PC now" option from here, http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/softw...load/windows10 or did you create install media etc?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 20
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I used that same method from the link you provided for the 64 bit edition. However I just ran it from the desktop, I did not create a bootable flash drive or anything like that.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 18,484
    Windows 11 Pro

    If both of your Windows 10 installations are fully activated, then his computer must have had Windows 8.1 Starter or Home edition and yours must have had Windows 8.1 Pro on it. You both can run Showkey from this forum and possibly see what versions the Windows 8.1 stored product keys were for:
    Showkey - Windows 10 Forums
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 15,230
    Windows 10 IoT

    Ok, if you ran the tool, and used the "Upgrade This PC Now" option, it should automatically figure out what version to install. If you were running 8.1 Core you should have gotten 10 Home. If you got 10 Pro, and its activated OK, you got lucky some how. Reason I asked how you did the install is, there is nothing from stopping you from downloading 10 Pro install media through the other option. Then using it to upgrade. The gotcha with that is it won't activate if you only qualify for 10 Home. If both of the systems you mentioned were running 8.1 Core, they should have gotten 10 Home. All my systems were running 8.1 Pro so I got 10 Pro.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 343
    Windows 10

    Looking at the Costco site now for that model and it shows it's only available in 8.1 PRO currently. Looks like HP has switched from installing 8.1 Home to PRO. It could be that all their Home licenses are used up and they are only installing PRO no on their machines or it could be they offered both but are out of the machines with Home installed.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 20
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    orlbuckeye said:
    Looking at the Costco site now for that model and it shows it's only available in 8.1 PRO currently. Looks like HP has switched from installing 8.1 Home to PRO. It could be that all their Home licenses are used up and they are only installing PRO no on their machines or it could be they offered both but are out of the machines with Home installed.
    Interesting. I didn't take note which version 8.1 it had.

    My system has the Intel Core i7 4790 3.6 ghz processor, 32gb DDR3 RAM, GeForce GTX 745 graphics card, Realtek High Definition / Beats Audio, 3 TB Seagate SATA hard drive, and 27" HP Monitor. I ordered the desktop "bundle" that came with monitor.

    I checked my Father's order receipt back from when he ordered his desktop. The only difference was that he ordered only the "tower" and not the "bundle" because he already had a flat screen monitor.

    However, at the time I placed my order, they had the identical system in both "bundle" and "tower." My Father's system is also the same model as the one I purchased and has all of the same specs and hardware.

    So I guess you're right, 9 months ago they must have been bundling the systems with 8.1 Home and now they are bundling them with 8.1 Pro. COOL, I guess.

    Either way they don't sell this system anymore. They don't even offer any Intel Core i7 processors with 32gb RAM if you use the "build" options on the left column. Only 16gb now, and they appear to only have Dell systems with the i7 processor as well.

    I believe this sale ended September 20th (I ordered on September 11th) but I noticed that the HP systems had disappeared a few days before September 20th, so they must have all sold out before the sale ended.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 40
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    What does the COA label at the side panel say?
      My Computer


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