2 Identical HP Systems Upgraded to 10, 1 Has 10 Pro, 1 Has 10 Home?

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  1. Posts : 20
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    georgeks said:
    What does the COA label at the side panel say?
    Oddly enough, my system doesn't have a COA label! Not on the top, left, right, or rear. On the left side it does have the HP support sticker and another sticker with the HP model and serial numbers.

    I'm not sure about my Father's machine, I'll have to take a look next time I am at his home.

    Sometime in November I will be re-installing Windows 10 on my Father's machine just so that it has a clean, fresh installation without any remnants of Windows 8.1 being leftover. I am just waiting to do this until his current temporary work is complete.

    I noticed that my system is much less cluttered since I opted to "delete everything" when doing the upgrade from 8.1 to 10. seems to be the better route to go, but that's just me......very anal about this sort of thing. Therefore I volunteered to complete the task on his machine as well.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 15,218
    Windows 10 IoT

    As mentioned already Showkey will tell you if the embedded key is Core or Pro, https://www.tenforums.com/software-ap...7-showkey.html
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 20
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Updating an old thread, but the information was correct - one system originally had 8.1 Home and the other had 8.1 Pro, as per the order sheet from Costco. Just the way they had them built, not user preference.
      My Computer


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