OK I hated windows 8/8.1 but I like 10 why?

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  1. Posts : 3,502
    Win_8.1-Pro, Win_10.1607-Pro, Mint_17.3

    gregrocker said:
    Just ran into another dislike installing it for a friend who was eager to try it. I wanted to make him a backup image upon install but when I typed in Backup to Search it took me to the MS Store where they want to vend me the app for the pretend price of nothing.

    Again here we have the same attempt to copy Ipad and phones by parceling out apps instead of giving the user what they want by default. This goes back to SIW2's confirmed theory that they want to eventually vend everything including the OS as apps on monthly subscriptions.

    This so contradicts the Desktop Experience which brought MS a billion customers over the years that it is outright annoying. They need to give this up now and bundle back into the OS the features that users like and want.
    When I searched for create system image or create backup image it gave me web search results.
    When I searched for backup the results included the app you reported, but it also included local results:

    Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\File History

    What was the scope of your search (where did you initiate it)?

    File History has Create System Image in the lower left.

    I'm not sure what you want to back up or how (Win8 and Win10 are different beasts as far as backup is concerned)
    The old ways are there, we just have to find them. Personally, I think progress is a good thing and I'll look at the newer ways of backing up this machine.

    Note: there have been some reports that system images don't restore correctly. I haven't tried it yet.

    I had a chuckle with your Billions comment
    Attachment 7144
    Last edited by Slartybart; 19 Oct 2014 at 01:28. Reason: empahsis added
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 281

    Bill, I'm not sure I'm understanding your directions to find Backup Imaging. Is it there somewhere I'm missing?

    I did not say billions. It is commonly known that MS has had a billion customers worldwide. These were raised on the Desktop which drives the world economy.

    I am not getting into any further discussions about possible right or wrong turns the company has made due to the ankle biters here.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    gregrocker said:
    Bill, I'm not sure I'm understanding your directions to find Backup Imaging. Is it there somewhere I'm missing?

    I did not say billions. It is commonly known that MS has had a billion customers worldwide. These were raised on the Desktop which drives the world economy.

    I am not getting into any further discussions about possible right or wrong turns the company has made due to the ankle biters here.
    Don't stop, your input is very valuable...besides ankle biters only slow you down, they don't stop you. Keep rockin my friend
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 3,502
    Win_8.1-Pro, Win_10.1607-Pro, Mint_17.3

    gregrocker said:
    Bill, I'm not sure I'm understanding your directions to find Backup Imaging. Is it there somewhere I'm missing?

    I did not say billions. It is commonly known that MS has had a billion customers worldwide. These were raised on the Desktop which drives the world economy.

    I am not getting into any further discussions about possible right or wrong turns the company has made due to the ankle biters here.
    Open Control Panel -> File history
    Create system image is in the lower left corner

    It just reminded me of the McDonalds sign - nothing else

    Fair enough, ankles biters are bottom feeders anyway.

    I don't think I mentioned rightness or wrongness, I only expressed an opinion on progress. It's not always forward (another opinion) - Zip disk and tape backups are two that bit me: new technology allowed for increased capacity - but that technology was replaced a few years later rendering the backups useless when the creating application or device would not run on ... wait for it ... newer technology.

    I'd like to know how system images work out for you on Win10, especially restoring an image - please post your findings.

    Last edited by Slartybart; 18 Oct 2014 at 14:46. Reason: empahsis added
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 220
    Windows 10


    I'm making my images with EaseUS TODO backup.

    I've backed up 5 times so far and restored 3, no problems and being able to backtrack has save me a lot of hassle as I mess around with this.

    If I install stuff and change my mind I restore instead of trying to remove stuff.
    Keeps my install nice and clean.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3,502
    Win_8.1-Pro, Win_10.1607-Pro, Mint_17.3

    gregrocker said:
    Bill, I'm not sure I'm understanding your directions to find Backup Imaging. Is it there somewhere I'm missing?
    Kari has a tutorial on backup - it might give you another option.
    System Image - Create Hardware Independent System Image
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 281

    Even though there are better free imaging apps the convenience of having it built in was a small revolution in 7 and suddenly made backup imaging accessible to the consumer masses. Likewise Kari's Sysprep tutorial.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 281

    Even though there are better free imaging apps the convenience of having it built in was a small revolution in 7 which suddenly made backup imaging accessible to the consumer masses. Likewise Kari's Sysprep tutorial.

    Now in TP so far its just as easy to download Macrium which is more full-featured anyway, though making the boot disk is an extra extra step. This takes time when I'm doing installs via Team Viewer since I always make a backup image.

    Thanks Dudely
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 302
    Windows 10 10586

    From my experience, Windows 8.1.1 is the best release to date BECAUSE of it's UI flexibility and usability. Honestly, having a start menu like in 7, just an OS like Windows 7 as is, just isn't going to cut it these days.

    I'm working on about a few laptops, one has 8.1.1 on it and the other two have 7. I know what all three people do on their laptops and for sure, there's more use being squeezed out of the 8.1.1 laptop than 7. It's strange going through the start menu, knowing that half of what programs are there will not be used. Even more surreal, I bet you that ALL the Windows 7 installs I've done, the 56+, half of the programs in the All Programs list was never touched or clicked on. DVD maker was never used, some File Explorer directories like Documents weren't actually used for some people. What was used however were a handful of programs, mostly Photoshop, Skype, common programs. The main program category? An internet browser. That's the main number one program used on all Windows 7 systems. An operating system designed and built around files can't thrive in a world where the main use of these PCs have shifted towards internet browsing than file browsing.

    That's where Windows 8 came in. It was designed around that notion of taking your 15 internet tabs and making them little windows on a home screen that shows new info without you jumping website to website or refreshing content constantly or keeping separate browsers open just for certain websites at all times. If you wanted all your File Explorer locations on your Start Screen along with ALL your Desktop programs, you can do that. If you wanted just Pictures or Videos pinned and a few most used programs and a lot of apps, sure. The Start Screen is the most customizable UI in Windows ever.

    But the problem is, it's so customizable and nobody realizes that. That's been the biggest issue by far. It's like how Joe Belfiore put it, Windows 7 is like a first gen Toyota Prius, Windows 10 is the latest Tesla. The only difference is that the Prius had tricks up its sleeve for its time, the Tesla not only out performs the Prius, but is the most advanced car there ever was. But you don't need to relearn how to drive a Tesla if you drove that Prius. It would have been best if they at least put navigational onscreen tips in 8 that shows you what you can actually do. It's much like how in 7, pinning programs to the Taskbar was a new concept that even to this day isn't fully utilized by many, let alone Jumplists.

    The nice thing about Windows 10 is, it's configurable out of the box but retains the utter flexibility 8 offers and expands on that even more.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 69
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Coke Robot said:
    That's where Windows 8 came in. It was designed around that notion of taking your 15 internet tabs and making them little windows on a home screen that shows new info without you jumping website to website or refreshing content constantly or keeping separate browsers open just for certain websites at all times. If you wanted all your File Explorer locations on your Start Screen along with ALL your Desktop programs, you can do that. If you wanted just Pictures or Videos pinned and a few most used programs and a lot of apps, sure. The Start Screen is the most customizable UI in Windows ever.

    But the problem is, it's so customizable and nobody realizes that. That's been the biggest issue by far. It's like how Joe Belfiore put it, Windows 7 is like a first gen Toyota Prius, Windows 10 is the latest Tesla. The only difference is that the Prius had tricks up its sleeve for its time, the Tesla not only out performs the Prius, but is the most advanced car there ever was. But you don't need to relearn how to drive a Tesla if you drove that Prius. It would have been best if they at least put navigational onscreen tips in 8 that shows you what you can actually do. It's much like how in 7, pinning programs to the Taskbar was a new concept that even to this day isn't fully utilized by many, let alone Jumplists.

    The nice thing about Windows 10 is, it's configurable out of the box but retains the utter flexibility 8 offers and expands on that even more.
    I agree with you to some extent, simply put the problem with 8 is its a tablet centered OS out of the BOX, 10 so far is ticking the box EASY, I, like you, customize my PC a lot, but my Wife like most just wants to get on and use the PC, find here programs without looking through pages of tiles. She hated 8 and 8.1 but loves 10 so far, she said its cool and easy, she is 57.
      My Computer


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