When I searched for create system image or create backup image it gave me web search results.
When I searched for backup the results included the app you reported, but it also included local results:
Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\File History
What was the scope of your search (where did you initiate it)?
File History has Create System Image in the lower left.
I'm not sure what you want to back up or how (Win8 and Win10 are different beasts as far as backup is concerned)
The old ways are there, we just have to find them. Personally, I think progress is a good thing and I'll look at the newer ways of backing up this machine.
Note: there have been some reports that system images don't restore correctly. I haven't tried it yet.
I had a chuckle with your Billions comment
Attachment 7144
Last edited by Slartybart; 19 Oct 2014 at 01:28. Reason: empahsis added