Troll not making sense as usual.
Why just why would you buy windows 10 when its free, will never understand people who spend money on something that is free.
What do you mean it's free? You can have a free upgrade from Vista, Windows 7 and 8, but to get that you had to buy and own one of those three. If you don't have Windows and want to get you hands on the latest one, you need to buy one. Unless you're talking about pirating, in which case, yeah it's "free", I guess....
MSDN keys are genuine keys. But the terms of the agreement you accept to get them means you can't resell them. They are for your personal use only, and even then, its for testing purposes. I have an MSDN subscription. I can't revoke any of my keys, but Microsoft can. I'd be surprised if very many people were selling MSDN keys. MSDN is very expensive and Microsoft holds a dim view to anyone reselling those keys. You get caught and by by subscription. They have also limited the number of keys you can request. I get 5 for 10 Pro and 5 for 10 Home. You'd have to sell a lot of keys to get your investment back. There were a lot of TechNet keys sold online though, likely why TechNet was killed. It was a lot cheaper than an MSDN subscription, a lot cheaper. Some bought it just to sell the keys. They also limited the number of keys you could get with TechNet towards the end. It was 3 keys per edition and not every edition when I had my TechNet subscription.
There are other ways this can happen. If you bought a used Company PC that has a MAK key on it. The company that has the license for that key can revoke it. I do believe they can also lock out individual PC's from activating with that key. I'm guessing the OP has a Volume License key, not a full Retail key. They seem to be MIA now though so we may never know.