Cold Start Freeze

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Cold Start Freeze

    When performing a cold start, the windows logo appears but nothing happens. If I reboot (Hold in the start button) and wait a few seconds, then repress the start button, Windows-10 loads. Why is this?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 46
    64-bit 10240 10 Pro

    What build are you using?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 574
    Windows 10 Pro/Windows 7 Ultimate

    Does the Device, PC, Laptop go into Sleep mode or Hibernation? My Desktop won't wake from sleep mode, I have to do much the same thing you describe to boot it, else it just sits there. Sometimes I have to flip the power switch on the power supply.

    I have had some Toshiba Satellite laptops get stuck in a limbo state, they had been hibernated, and pressing start would not resume. You can tell when they are in this state because when you try to boot, you don't get the boot time messages (F9 for Boot Menu, etc). To bust it out of that mode I had to turn it on then remove the battery and let it shut off and reset, then I could boot it.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8
    W10 and others


    The fast startup option is not advised on some computers. Even with TH2 on, it makes Windows Hangs when doing a Cold start (A startup not a restart) on some computers, it's not a universal bug.

    Disable it in Control panel, power options, choose what power button do, click on change settings that are currently unavailable in the upper section before going down to uncheck the option "Turn on fast startup".

    Since doing so will prevent cases like yours from benefiting from this new feature, i would suggest to turn off the startup windows splash screen to gain back a second or two. (Do so by running Msconfig, go to the boot section, and check NO GUI BOOT.

    Good luck
      My Computer


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