Confused by dual search functions?

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  1. Posts : 983
    Windows 7/64 Professional

    I not really sure what Cortana is designed to do.
    When I tick on it all I get is some pictures of people that I really don't want to know anything about.
    I don't use cell phones so I'm somewhat lost.

    What I have gathered it's some sort of talking program on phones.
    Last edited by Layback Bear; 07 Oct 2014 at 18:15.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 98
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    Are you at all familiar with Siri on the iPhone? Cortana is like a version of Siri that is actually useful.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 983
    Windows 7/64 Professional

    I'm not familiar with any kind of cell phone. I have used a friends phone about 5 times.
    What ever it does if it's useful I will like it.
    Does one have to get a mic for a desktop to talk to this Cortana?
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    Yes. You'll need a mic. Cortana is a digital assistant. She'll enter items in your calendar, find the nearest restaurant, call, text, or open an email to someone, etc. all with voice commands. There's a complimentary app to perform PC/device power commands. It's a great feature.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 983
    Windows 7/64 Professional

    Thanks for the information.
    Another question.
    If I get a mic will my system speakers work or will I need a head set?
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    You're welcome. :)

    I would think that it would work through the speakers or headphones. I use one or the other on my Lumia.
      My Computers


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