Fast Boot in Windows 10...
I have found that I get 2 different boot menus when booting to my dual boot setup with Windows 8 and 10.
If I hit restart my computer boots to a screen that looks like an old style black and white boot menu that uses the keyboard to access.
If I turn my computer off completely and then restart it, I get a modern boot menu with a active mouse.
The interesting thing about this is the boot times.
I'm counting the time from when the bios is finished and the boot menu appears, which is pretty much the same either way.
From the old style menu, after selecting Restart, it take close to a minute and a half to get to the desktop.
From the menu I get when it's completely shut down, the only thing that limits the time is how long it takes to type in my 4 digit code.
It is almost instantaneous, even with me having to type the code it's not more then 15 seconds.
I never really noticed that fast boot in Windows 8 made much difference.
I'm not sure why I don't see the same thing when I select Restart?
It's faster to just shut the computer completely off and restart it.
Anyone else seeing this?
I have all my software installed now and it still boots almost instantly.