Windows 10 bugs

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  1. Posts : 803
    10 Pro Preview x64

    Cliff S said:
    Thanks, Admin tools are not showing up in the start menu like they "should"
    This works still:

    # Enable Administrative Tools in Start Menu - Administrative Tools - Add or Remove from Start Menu - Windows 7 Help Forums

    REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /V StartMenuAdminTools /T REG_dWORD /D 1 /F
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    adamf said:
    Just a thought, are you synchronising your language/keyboard settings through MS account?
    Yes, but I also have checked the settings on all computers to be sure they are as I want to.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    Trying to customize the start thingy, I get this after resizing some. They are cut off Feedback submitted

    Re arranging fixed it, but it shouldn't happen. I miss the 8.1 start screen but I will stay with this and keep providing feedback every time this new start does something wrong.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Windows 10 bugs-start-cutt-off-icons.png  
    Last edited by Dude; 23 Mar 2015 at 14:51.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 27,400
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    adamf said:
    This works still:

    # Enable Administrative Tools in Start Menu - Administrative Tools - Add or Remove from Start Menu - Windows 7 Help Forums

    REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /V StartMenuAdminTools /T REG_dWORD /D 1 /F
    Command prompt said operation successful, but before/after reboot no change. What I did find out is Admin tools can be pinned to start from control panel, which is ok now, but if Redmond is thinking of ditching(personally I think hiding it is more exact) the control panel, the maybe using the desktop toolbar in the future is an option to access them. Thanks anyhow Adam.

      My Computers

  5. Posts : 803
    10 Pro Preview x64

    Cliff S said:
    Command prompt said operation successful, but before/after reboot no change. What I did find out is Admin tools can be pinned to start from control panel, which is ok now, but if Redmond is thinking of ditching(personally I think hiding it is more exact) the control panel, the maybe using the desktop toolbar in the future is an option to access them. Thanks anyhow Adam.

    Did you log off & on again?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    Cliff S said:
    Not a bug. but...Has anyone seen disk cleanup or optimize in the start menu on Build 10041? Maybe I'm overseeing it, but to use them I either have to use search(fastest method) or use them from file explorer(Which yeah is a logical place seeing that our partitions & drives are represented there) then pin them to taskbar when I really want to pin then to start.
    I did it somehow by shuffling folders and shortcuts around in ProgramData/StartMenu and AppData/StartMenu.

    Windows 10 bugs-000090.png
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 57,011
    Multi-boot Windows 10/11 - RTM, RP, Beta, and Insider

    Edwin said:
    I did it somehow by shuffling folders and shortcuts around in ProgramData/StartMenu and AppData/StartMenu.

    Windows 10 bugs-000090.png
    Just did this... go to control panel, system and security, right click administrative tools, pin to start. Showed up as a tile.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 1
    Windows 10 Tech Preview - Fast Track

    Windows File Explorer Inconsistent and Incorrect Long Paths Handling

    Kari said:
    Let's do our own share..
    File Explorer is not managing long paths correctly or consistently. On both the C:, D: and E: drives I have copied a folder structure that exceeds MAX_PATH. The root drive always seems to be navigable. Some additional drives work properly. Others like D:\E: shown here can only be navigated to MAX_PATH even though the deeper folders exist and can be accessed from other tools. Specifically I can see the fourth folder on the D:\E: drive but clicking that folder from windows explorer does nothing. Appending "\\?\" to the front of the D:\E: drive does not change the outcome.

    Some, but not all additional drives exhibit this behavior. I have a 250G SSD on SATA that, when mounted as a secondary drive, works properly (like the C: drive). I also have a 750G SSD on PCIe that, when mounted as a secondary drive, works improperly (like the D:\E: drive). All of my large (>2TB) drives work improperly.

    I have submitted this as a problem via the Windows 10 Feedback. This bug also exists on Windows 8.1.

    Windows 10 bugs-long-path-management.png
    Last edited by kkrull; 23 Mar 2015 at 18:30.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,811
    W7 Ultimate SP1 (64 bit), LM 19.2 MATE (64 bit), W10 Home 1703 (64 bit), W10 Pro 1703 (64 bit) VM

    I don't understand why MS refuses to implement long path names by default.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 3,502
    Win_8.1-Pro, Win_10.1607-Pro, Mint_17.3

    Cliff S said:
    Thanks, Admin tools are not showing up in the start menu like they "should" so I did it the long way to "old" control panel and from there I could pin to start like you said.
    Yeah, this schizophrenic menu is driving me crazy. I'm delving into the under belly of the beast in the hope that I can make it work for me. I know there are a number of ways to workaround this, but hey.... why is this so difficult?

    until then.....

    I go to the standard StartMenu locations, almost everything goes into All User menu now, so look there first.

    All Users: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
    Per User : C:\Users\Dad\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

    from there you can either launch what you need or pin the shortcut

    tip: pin these locations to explorer (drag and drop the Programs folder onto explorer on the taskbar)

    edit: interesting ... I could not pin the Administrative tools in All users menu to Start, but I could pin the folder on Control Panel (this was named Administrative 1 and Disk cleanup also appeared on the main pane (Administrative tools also showed up in that crappy list that is absolutely useless, that is of course my opinion.
      My Computer


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