Later through the thread, other people complain that the setting does not stick.Ramon M7 said:
It would help if you filled in your TF system specs and identified the version of Energy Manager.
See if there is an update - what I've read is that an older version sets the conservative threshold to 60% - that's too conservatinve. A 'newer' version sets the threshold to 80% which is reasonable for battery conservation.
Full Disclaimer: I don't buy into this battery saver idea. My laptop is usually plugged in on my desk and is rarely transported - my tablet serves that purpose now, unless I need a Windows machine.
I should probably just run on AC and remove the battery when it is fully charged to reduce heat, but my $tore stand won't work with the battery removed - the legs fall into the battery cavity. The other reason to keep the battery in place is in case of power failure - the battery is a built-in UPS. Desktops should come with laptop batteries !